Thursday, 15 November 2018

A walk from Edale in Derbyshire.

I had a brilliant day out yesterday. It was a hellish drive through gridlocked Sheffield to get to the start. I almost gave up and went back home. Glad I didn't. 
I met up with a Walking Forum buddy at Edale in Derbyshire. He is an experience navigator and map reader, so I thought I might learn something from him. Although I can walk from one side of the country to the other using maps, I am not an expert at associating what I see on the ground to what is on the map. My walking is usually at a fast pace, with the intention of clocking up the miles. Yesterday it made a nice change to stop and study the map and have things pointed out to me. 
The church at Edale. 
Edale is the start of the Pennine Way, a long distance trail to Scotland. A good place to meet up with friends is the pub.

route2rock (user name) led the way. Down the steps, over the wooden bridge, and up the steps.

Then we took a track through fields alongside a wood, and started the climb up Grindsbrook Clough. Stop for a pic halfway up.

Doggy is enjoying the walk. Ruby is a recently adopted rescue dog. She is absolutely delightful.

Onward and upward, stunning views, but oh so windy.

Scrambling over rocks at this point as we neared the top. We came down the path on the right, scrambled over the water, and went off along the path on the left.

It was very rocky along this stretch.

 Amazing rock formations carved out by the wind and rain over the centuries.

Just look at that fabulous view, photo's don't do it justice. The wind was so strong it nearly blew me over.

The sun is going down over there.

I love to see the green fields mapped out below, with a sprinkling of golden brown trees that looked like feather dusters.

One last pic before we head off back.

Oh boy, did my legs work hard with all that elevation. Up and down rocky slopes, scrambling up a steep grassy bank to the top, but hey, what a great feeling at the end, and no aches this morning. Only six miles covered, but a walk to lift the spirit.

The traffic going home was just as bad. Sheffield not quite as gridlocked as earlier except for long queues on The Parkway. Then long queues on the M18 motorway. Just had to sit in it and crawl along.

Now I need to put the map reading skills I learnt into practice. Thanks to my buddy for showing me how to get more from a walk.  ilona


  1. Fabulous photos - my idea of a great walk (and in a lovely area). Daughter used to live in Sheffield and I remember how busy it can get (especially compared with very rural Wales). I hope you can do lots more off piste walks with your new mapreading skills.

  2. The only walk I have done round Sheffield was in Rivelin Valley. Lovely part of the country, you wouldn't think the city was that close to the countryside. The photo's are fantastic, lets people see a part of the country they might never know existed.

  3. So pleased you had a lovely walk and the scenery is beautiful. I wish I could walk like you now Ilona but I did manage to walk 1 1/2 miles along the village this morning.
    Hazel c uk

  4. hi ilona mayze and heidi love your photos absolutely beautiful and the gorgeous dog. looks like you enjoyed yourself too thank you for these lovely photos and the scenery is breathtaking. i dont go out much and seeing these views is so uplifting. benny was an abandoned male cat who is getting on a bit but has come back to life i spoil him and amy who is a rescue cat - at least they have a happy life now. lots of love from liz amy and sweet benny.xxxx

  5. Thank you for sharing your walk and beautiful photos.
    I grew up in that area and have very happy memories of Derbyshire.
    It's targeted for a walking holiday sometime next year.

  6. I love the photos you post. I'm mostly homebound these days and I greatly miss hiking trails and long walks. Thank you for taking me along on yours.

  7. Lovely pictures - a very healthy day x

  8. Those rocks look like stacks of pancakes. Each layer cooled before the next one poured on! The doggie looks just wonderful.

  9. It looks like you had a great day out!.Lovely scenery,it makes me feel healthier just looking at it!xx

  10. So wonderfull to walk there.. Thanks for the foto's. Greetings from haduuu

  11. looks great and fab views!

  12. Just looking over your photos and saw that Ruby is a Rescue dog!,Bless her!..she looks so happy,content and trusting.Its great that she has gone to such a lovely and out going family!,xx

  13. Wonderful photos, I love that part of the world.


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