Saturday, 17 November 2018

Another decorated stone.

Regular readers will know I decorated a stone with felt and embroidery, I have just finished another one. This is slightly bigger than the first one, and I have used more different colours rather than blending similar colours. There's some wrapped rings, ear rings, beads, sequins and lots of French knots. 
If anyone wants to have a go at this, first find your stone, then cut a piece of felt big enough to cover it. Thin felt is best, or you can use any fabric, it has to stretch to fit the curves of the stone. I start with four or five larger circles, put the fabric over the stone and position them where you want them. Then fill in the spaces left with smaller pieces, and finish off filling all the gaps with French knots. Then I trimmed off the excess fabric, so that the edges barely met at the back.

Next I used really strong cotton and did a running stitch around the edge and pulled it tight. I found that I hadn't trimmed enough off, it was too bulky on the bottom.

I trimmed more off, and cut 'v' shaped notches into the edge. Then re do the running stitch and pull it all in to the centre. Better this time. It needs some pulling about to adjust the gathers evenly.
Done, that's better.

This is the first one I did. I think I like this latest one best.

I cut an egg shaped piece of darker felt to hide the gathers on the bottom.

Think I'm going to keep them for a while because I like them.   ilona


  1. Long time reader, first time commenter - these are absolutely beautiful!!

    1. Thank you kindly. What is your name? Please click on the 'Reply as' button, a drop down menu will open up. Click on 'Name/URL', and insert your name in the box. Ignore the URL bit. Then click continue. Thank you.

  2. That rock is beautiful. They would make great Easter eggs. And paperweights. You really have an eye for color and design.

  3. Beautiful and creative. I love them both.

  4. Your pebble is lovely and thank you for the instructions which I think as Tana said it am going to try to have a go doing one like an egg.
    Thank you,
    Hazel c uk

  5. Oh my gosh Ilona, they are beautiful!

  6. Dear are so artistic 🐈 from whence do your ideas come from, you see things so differently and so creatively Teresa

    1. I don't know, something clicks in my brain. Inspiration for the embroidered stones came from an exhibition of work, I thought, I could try that.

  7. Ilona, you inspire me. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work, I am going to give it a try. Paperweight, easter egg, whatever it turns out to be will be lovely.

  8. Oh my goodness that it pretty. I think it may be my favourite of all your crafting makes.

  9. Lovely. Now I understand how you get the covers on them it makes perfect sense.

  10. wow. I really like them -both of them

  11. The detail of the pretty stones... Amazing!!!

  12. Stunning, just stunning. My favourite of all your crafting so far, so beautiful and creative, the possibilities are endless.
    These would make a fabulous childrens craft lesson, with glue rather than stitching for really young ones.

  13. Once again another beautiful creation from you - something I want to try to do next year - thank you :)

  14. I can understand you wanting to keep them for a while...I would want to keep them forever if I had done them!.But maybe one of your cat charity stalls,in the future,could raffle them.I am sure that they would have lots of people buying tickets!.They are beautiful....I was talking on the phone to one of my cousins today,and recommending your blog to her cause she lives a frugal life like us all...And she said that she remembers your name from school in the village where she grew up in and still lives.She would have been 1 to 2 years younger.Its a small world!!,xx

    1. I'm not surprised she remembers my name, there aren't many of us about :o)

  15. both are just beautiful. very clever. Ann

  16. I think without the stone, that embroidery would make lovely wallhangings.

    1. I was thinking along the lines of something smaller, a picture maybe to start with.

  17. They would make lovely paperweights. Well done Ilona, very very pretty.

  18. Beautiful, they would make great paper weights or door stops.

  19. Beautiful! I would love to try this but am not as clever as you.

  20. I think they are lovely, decorated stones would make a great colourful display on a patio, low maintenance! I suppose they will fade in time but then so do plants. You could re stock every year.

  21. These are beautiful!!! They remind me of a corral reef!! I love them!!! First time commenting too x


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