Monday, 14 January 2019

100% Success.

Good morning. Hoooooray, success. Six real comments came in from six real readers, and NO SPAM. Much better than yesterday morning when I had nearly 200 to contend with. I'm sorry to put the extra burden on you to click on the verification thingy, but it will have to stay because it has taken away a whole load of hassle for me. Thanks for sticking with it. 
I wish I could send you the perfume from these gorgeous flowers. They were given to me for Christmas and they are filling the house with a divine smell. Help yourself to a sniff, have you got any hyacinths?  
I picked up a bottle of this last week, at Morrisons. A good reduction I thought, was £2.50, now 63p. I have tried the Alpro range before, yogurts and milk, and have not been overly impressed by them. Very bland, no taste. This is no different. Compared to another brand of Almond milk I bought once from the Cash and Carry at a knock down price, which was very palatable. This Alpro is like water. I could have just put my bowl of cereal, nuts and seeds, under the tap. Won't bother again, even with a yellow sticker on it.

Someone was asking about how much I pay for broadband, sorry, can't remember who. Sometimes I put things to one side then remember them much later. So, I pay about £36 - £39 a month to EE Broadband. That covers unlimited, I am often connected all day, and includes my landline. Calls included are after 7pm and all day Sat/Sun.

There are probably other companies with a cheaper tariff, but I prefer to stick with what I have, with no disruptions. For comparison, and to help the reader make a better choice, what does everyone else pay, what does it include, and who are you with. 

Thanks for your help.   ilona


  1. We're with TalkTalk. Averages at about £40 a month but not all calls are free - that's what puts the bill up. This month it's £41.75 whereas last month it was £34. We've been with them for several years - I use the internet every day as I work from home on-line so need it without disruption, therefore we tend to stick with the same provider. We're thinking of switching to Sky though at some point.

  2. That sounds really reasonable broadband charges, We are with virgin and its more, will have to consider looking around for cheaper.

  3. we are with BT and pay around £60 month but that includes broadband, calls, calls to mobiles included, calls number showing up etc only ever lost connection once in all the years with but that was due to the router needed updating, been with plusnet and when we moved house they were useless kept taking direct debit out but no service for 3 months so I cancelled direct debit and plusnet had the chhek to send what we owed to a debt collection agency and when I told they debt agency that we had no service even though plusnet were taking money the debt agency just wiped it off! and on the tv advert they used to describe as good honest broadband from Yorkshire! ha ha what a rip off!

  4. My bill with TT is about 2/3rds of yours but no calls included, but do get tv(no extra packages such as sport or films). I don't use the landline, it's just for the broadband and for emergencies.
    However I pay for 3 mobiles and the cost of those is around your broadband charge. Swings and roundabouts come to mind ! Need to look into those. Also gas and electric have gone up so will be checking those for a better deal.

  5. I'm with EE. I get unlimited broadband which I use a lot every day,anytime 24/7 calls from land line, some landline to mobile calls all for £30 a month. Good or what! ��

  6. I pay SSE £24 per month for unlimited broadband and land line. However, I don't use the land line at all as I have a mobile with Three. For that I pay £10 per month-this includes unlimited calls at any time, unlimited texts and 2G data. Also, because I have whats app on my phone I can use that to make good quality calls overseas-for free. x

  7. I was with BT for landline and broadband and it cost approximately £40 per month.
    I switched to Virgin and now pay £29 for the same deal.
    For mobile use I’m with Giffgaff - £7.50 a month for 2GB, 250 minutes and unlimited texts.
    As a result of Giffgaff being so user friendly I conduct most of my business on my mobile - even phoning people from the house on it as it’s now cheaper than the landline!

  8. Some comments coming in for you, Natalie. Hope they are helpful.

    1. Thanks it’s good to see how we are sizing up on the Isle of Man compared to uk. It’s around £50 per month for mine but doesn’t include any calls they are all extra so I don’t dial out on my landline I use my mobile as I get some free calls on there. We have Manx Telecom here and there are another couple of providers but when I enquired one of them was more expensive than mine. Lovely hyacinths by the way, I’m waiting for mine to come up still I love the scent x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your Hyacinths are beautiful.
    The BT for the phone is about £40 a month with the computer and have free calls. When I moved BT they only took a couple of days to reconnect and that was at Christmas time.
    Hazel c uk

  10. I truly enjoy following your blog. love the flowers and as for the milk. I am with you. hate the stuff. I actually now use greek yoghurt on cereal, fruit and nuts. I recently got a coconut one by muller light which was lovely I tried it on offer so looking out for something similar but cheaper now lol. I need a trip to Aldi. x

  11. I love the smell of hyacinths.
    Blue ones are my favourite.
    When they have finished flowering I plant them out in the garden.
    This year I was given an amaryllis which seems determined to reach the ceiling!
    I had one last year and it is remarkably healthy but only producing leaves.
    Maybe it will flower again next year.

  12. A pot of hyacinths in the winter time sure brighten up your day. The best part is you can replant the bulbs outside and enjoy them next year. In a few years they have multiplied so you can divide them and have a bunch more!

  13. I've been having trouble with spam too and have comment moderation, but it would be great not to get them in the first place!

  14. Beautiful plant and lovely colour.Ive got one that is just a bulb at the minute but has the green shoot coming from the top.Ive got it standing in a small vase with just the roots of it growing into the water.I paid £1 for it from Manchester Christmas market and wasnt too sure if it would grow or not.But I followed instructions from the internet,wrapped it in brown paper and it is looking healthy.I will leave it another few weeks and then put it in a plant pot.xx

  15. I'm in USA, downsized our phone service a few years ago, have internet at home but not for TV. I think the bottle cover for the Almond Milk is really pretty. I love hyacinths; enjoyed looking at yours - they look very springy especially since we have over 8 inches of snow outside!! Enjoy reading your information

  16. Hyacinths are lovely mine will soon be out. Plant them outside to Flower in subsequent years.

  17. Hi Ilona

    Have been enjoying you blog for a couple of years but have not commented before. After a lifetime with BT I moved to PlusNet last year. Happy with them so far and much cheaper than BT though sorry to hear about Jo' s experience of them. The fact that they are in Yorkshire, as am I, and not some Indian call centre was a plus for me. I pay £19.99/month for unlimited broadband and £8/month for free any time calls (up to an hour) to 01, 02 03, 0800, 0845, 0870 numbers and 07 mobile numbers and also got £50 cash back. It is an 18 month contract and the price is guaranteed for the length of the contract. (One of the things I disliked about BT was the constant price increases.) The change over was pretty straight forward and I was only without service for a couple of hours. They have a very good deal at present: £18.99/month unlimited broadband, no connection fee (I paid £10) and a £75 PlusNet Reward Card. Contract is for 12 months and guaranteed not to increase during that time.

  18. I love hyacinth although a bit of scent can go a long way. A few years ago our SVP decided to do something nice for everyone for Easter and had a pot of hyacinths placed on each desk (about 50 people on the floor) - unfortunately when we came in the next morning (after they'd been left overnight in a warm office) the scent of them all just about knocked us over (and it was one of those offices where you couldn't open a window)!! :-)

  19. Your Hyacinths are a beautiful colour. I usually buy one every xmas but forgot this year so will miss the lovely smell.
    I am with Karoo (local phone comp.) and pay £45 monthly which includes all land and mobile phone calls - we get 200 GB monthly allowance, which is good as Jenny watches some programmes from Netflix.
    We got back home tonight after a 4 day/3 night trip to Blackpool with National Holidays. £89 each for bed, breakfast, evening meals and travel - good value for the money :)

  20. BT landline rental and unlimited anytime calls up to 1hr, except mobiles, contract fixed til 2021, £21.99 per month.

    Broadband with Idnet, unlimited, no contract, they simply invoice me monthly by email and I pay by internet banking, £19.98 per month. Very quick to answer phone calls with delicious Irish brogue, never been put on hold.

    So total £41.97 per month (+ any calls to mobiles) Good exercise to do

  21. Hi Ilona! Funny you should post about broadband. I've swapped from BT only this week to Vodafone. I was paying £53 per month with BT, they wouldn't budge on price even though I've been a loyal customer for over 50 years! My new contract with Vodafone is £30 per month which includes unlimited Superfast broadband, unlimited any time calls to landlines and mobiles. Only time will tell if I've done the right thing. Watch this space!

    1. That sounds a good deal; a saving of £120+ pa on my costs
      Does it use an existing BT line or required a new line installed?
      If needing a new line, what is the installation cost?
      How long is the contract?
      Is the price held for any particular time or can they change it at will?
      Does it include VAT?

  22. I meant to say also that WhatsApp is a fantastic facility. Free calls, sending of videos etc to relatives abroad. Group messaging also free. Works wherever there’s WiFi.

  23. good news that no spam at long last and you can get your time back to yourself now!

  24. I am getting bombarded with spam too. Might have to add the word verification thingy!

    Glad to hear I am not the only one receiving unwanted attention from spammers.

    Have a wonderful day!



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