Sunday, 13 January 2019

Word Verification trial.

The spam situation is getting ridiculous, 195 deleted this morning. I don't want to disable the 'Anonymous' option, because that will also disable the 'Name' option, which has been working very well, so I am trying the 'Word Verification' route. You will see this at the bottom when you comment. Please give it a go. Hopefully this tactic will baffle the computer generated spam, and they won't be able to get through.

Two people have told me that they have been unable to comment. I am not sure what has caused that blip. I use two computers, mainly the small netbook which is Windows 7, and the big one which is still on XP but no longer receives updates. I can post on both of these.

I will only use the netbook for posting for a while, and see if that makes a difference. The Big Dell is idea for watching catchup tv, yooootooob, and anything else I want to check.

Thank you for your patience.  ilona

PS. Maybe I haven't explained this clearly. 
You will NOT get the Verification request, tick the box to Prove you are not a robot, because Blogger knows you are not a robot, because you have an account, and your name comes up in blue

Only people without an account, who put their name in the drop down box, and the odd genuine reader who forgets or doesn't know to put their name in the box, will get the Prove you are not a robot thingy. 

The computer generated spam which is sent out in their thousands, will not be able to tick the not a robot box. 


  1. The Word Verification is not a word, it's a box you have to tick to prove you are not a robot, so quite easy.

  2. Erm, no word verification on my screen, just 'Your comment will be visible after approval'.

    1. It won't come up for you because you have an account, your name is in blue. Those who comment using 'Name' as I did above, in black, will get it, as will the odd genuine 'Anonymous' comment. The computer generated Anonymous spam hopefully shouldn't get through, because thousands are sent automatically, and they won't be able to tick the 'I'm not a robot', box. That's how it's supposed to work.

    2. Ah ok, thanks for the explanation Ilona.

    3. That explains it, thanks. xx

  3. Replies
    1. No problem for you. You've been on Blogger since 2016

  4. FYI - I just did a test email and the verification box did not show up. I know what you are referring to as a couple of other blogs that I follow ask for this - it isn't working on your comments at the moment. I will check back later in the day to see if it's now working but you may want to check again Ilona as it isn't there now.

    1. You won't need to verify. You have an account. You have been on Blogger since 2016.

  5. No word verification though.

    1. No problem for you. You've been on Blogger since 2009.

  6. Hello Ilona,

    I am sorry you are have problems I would really miss your post. You are always so happy.

    Hope you get your computer sorted.

  7. Ps. I have just noticed it don't have to do vertify anything.
    Hazel c uk

  8. What exciting comments you are getting today!!
    That many spam comments must be so annoying. Thank the Lord I only get the odd weird thing

    1. I could deal with the trickle that comes through, thanks to those who put their name in the box, but it's turned into a deluge. The trouble is that once the spammers know that there are no obstacles on a particular blog, that it is open to everybody to comment, then they blitz it.

  9. Okay, will check out the posting method to make sure I can do it :)

  10. Testing to see if it works!!

    1. You have had an account since 2010. No problem for you.

  11. Hope you receive this message Ilona.

  12. All sound quite complicated, I start doing things like this and give up. lol

    1. I don't like to tinker, but the amount of spam flooding in was doing my head in.

  13. Watch it with the PC running Xp Ilona. That's not secure now, with loads of back doors etc known.

    1. What will happen to it? If it crashes, I just buy a new one.

    2. It's easier for baddies to hack. For example if you use an email account, they could steal the password and hack the account. Also if you were to do any online banking or similar transactions where you give your credit card number to pay for stuff, it's risky, they could steal the number and go on a spending spree. I know you don't do financial transactions online Ilona, but just saying for other people reading this. I didn't mind checking the bikes and fire hydrants. No sweat:) Eilidh x

  14. "click all squares with a fire hydrant" Did that. "click all squares with a bus" Did that. "click all squares with traffic lights" Did that. Click all squares with a fire hydrant" Did that AGAIN. Click all picture with a bus" Did that AGAIN.
    To much faffing, that's exactly why I avoid some other blogs. Sorry but I'm not wasting my time doing that again.

    1. Well as you can see, after all your faffing, your comment did get through. Pity you commented as Anonymous though, and didn't put your name in the box like everyone else is. Sorry to lose you.

  15. I thought computers were meant to make our lives easier?!

    1. You could sign up for a google account, that would make it easier.

    2. good idea, thanks!

  16. Just tried it and had to go through several sets of photos - cars then buses. Didn't take long though.

    1. Thank you for persevering.

    2. no problem, worth it if it gets rid of the spam for you.

  17. testing testing. Clicking on the photos was a bit of a faff.

    1. Sorry about the faff. I understand if you don't want to comment on every post.

  18. Oh my Ilona, what a nuisance. I made a positive comment regarding your new trouser which didn't get published and I suspected you were getting drowned in spam. Keep going we love your blog x

    1. That comment must have slipped past my attention when I was deleting all the spam.

  19. Hi Ilona , I think I’m one person who has had problems, but to be honest it could something I’m doing that’s the problem , I’m not very tech minded :-) See if this gets through .
    Oh and thanks for adding me to the 2019 Walking Group .

  20. Hi,just seeing if I can comment.Best wishes,Jan X.

  21. What a shame you have to do this. I hate spammers with a passion. I have to say why post as Anonymous just put in your name, it's not a big deal. My Google account is in my grandson's name so I may use that and just type in my name on my post. Love the color of your new warm weather walking pants.

  22. Testing again as my previous comment didn’t get through

  23. As with others, thought I would give it a try. So sorry you are having this grief.

  24. Testing, testing!! Love your blog Ilona x

  25. this is going back to a post where it was suggested you might be interested to make aprons as well as carry bags. You have done a lot in art and so forth with flowers, so thought this might interest you.

  26. Testing

  27. Testing from South Yorkshire. Hoping to keep in touch.

  28. Think it's working for me.

  29. just testing my name comes up in black. Still trying hard to walk but just had a bad week with flu. Would miss your blog. Sorry to hear of all the trouble you are having. No box to tick.

  30. Did have to tick a box

  31. Another one testing. Sorry you're having this hassle.

  32. Testing, from a very Hot Adelaide,Australia!😙

  33. Testing as everyone else is. Hope I get through. Ann x

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I have passed your comment on to the person you mentioned. He needs to know that you are moderating his blog.

  35. Greetings from haduuu test test :))

  36. Bonjour Ilona, je suis en France/Picardie, j'aime votre blog pour sa simplicité. Belle année 2019 !


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.