Saturday, 19 January 2019

A lot of talking

I've been talking a lot today. Talking to a friend on the phone this morning. Went to the paper shop, talking to people I met along the way. Delivered the papers to Joyce, invited in for coffee, family was there and Bailey poodle was visiting as well. Good to see him again, he now lives with family somewhere else. Coffee and talking.

Talking to more people on the way home, walking their dogs. Good job I have doggy treats in my pocket, Bella and Scruff and Lola love them.

Invited to friends house for drinks this afternoon, more talking. It went on a bit until evening, wine and nibbles, and lots of laughs.

Village life is good, walk out of the door and always someone to talk to. Feel a bit tired now, had a hot chocolate now off to bed. Goodnight. ilona


  1. I get exhausted talking - but still enjoy it!

    1. Yes I do as well. Sometimes I have to remind myself to shut up, ha ha.

  2. It is good to talk . Even more enjoyable with wine and nibbles.

  3. It sounds like you have had a lovely day Ilona!..I would love days like that.Stress free,comfortable,doing what you want to do,with no worry of what tomorrow is going to bring!.Sometimes,stress sends its self to me whether I ask for it or not!!xx

    1. It was stress free. Visiting people and socializing. Sometimes it's best to walk out of the door and stroll about meeting people.

  4. Such a great day it sounds like. I enjoy days like that when we are working in our yard and neighbors in theirs and we all stop and chat. Such a happy heart! ♥️♥️ I know you are sleeping well tonight!!
    Tammy West Virginia USA

    1. Ha ha, I know what you mean. Trying to get work done and interrupted by chatty people. There's always another day tomorrow to carry on working.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. I hope you have a nice day also.

  6. You know, I have often thought that would be a great advantage/pleasure of living in a village/smallish town....---Always someone to chat a bit with. What is the population of the village you live in? How long have you lived in the same residence?

    1. Hi. I have lived here for 21 years, moved because I was working in the area. Not sure what the present population is but according to the 2011 census it was 2750. It might be a bit more than that now, but not much more because there has been very few newbuilds over the years. It is still surrounded by countryside so I don't expect anyone is going to get planning permission for a new estate.

  7. I lived in a very busy town 1 mile away from Heathrow Airport until I was 79years ago and moved just over 1 year and now live in a very small village. I love it I don't see a lot of people but everybody speaks to me I joined a WI and a little Knitting group people offer me a lift. I notice people in the shops have more time to chat and they help you better. I hope I have a few more years to enjoy where I am living here.
    Hazel c uk

  8. Sorry I ment to say Saturday I didn't check the predictive text i am totally hopeless.

  9. It sounds friendly where you live Ilona. I live in a seaside town but it's very lonely, no sense of community at all. I would move but the cost and hassle of it is daunting to me.

  10. I am a village person, though I have had time out, living in two towns, one of which was Bath, hard to beat. Our village is small, very quiet, no shops or public transport. We live right on the edge, so have fields in front and behind our home.

    Hopefully this will post, am using your instructions on DTL, Ilona. For some reason, my husband's name is down as comment as.

    1. I seem to remember that you used your husbands account before to comment. You can do this, but probably best to add your name as everyone will think you are a bloke.

  11. CONTENTMENT is my word for 2019 - I hope to be more content with my life in general, with what I already own and how my life is going at the moment. This doesn't mean that I can't seek to make changes, learn something new or make more money - but there should be some purpose and reason for it - not just a matter of MORE for the sake of MORE.


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