Thursday, 17 January 2019

Super Scrimping is my game.

And the money saving continues. The Cash and Carry is conveniently placed in a little industrial unit, on the way to town. When I am passing and have ten minutes to spare, it's worth stopping for a look to see what they have in. Sometimes I am lucky, other times I am not. They buy up stock from the large supermarkets, usually when it is about to go out of date, or if they have over stocked and want to move it on. 
I like these Cheerios, not as a breakfast cereal, but as an evening snack when I feel a bit peckish. The normal price for these in Tesco is £3.30. They are on offer until the 27th of January for £1.65. I paid just 60p each. 
Cheddars are normally £1.29 at Tesco, on offer at 90p until the 27th of January. I paid just 25p per packet, 4 for £1.

 Amoy medium noodles. At Tesco, £1.80 for a bag of two packets. Not on offer at the moment. I paid £1 for three bags. So, 33p a bag, two packets in each, which I will get four portions out of. Add some veg and a super cheap meal.

I buy my food from lots of different places. Haven't been to Tesco for a while, I will pick up in Aldi if I am in town, as it's in a convenient location. Always on the look out for reductions, in virtually every shop I go into. Even the £1 shops sell things at 50p. Meanqueen is the name, Super Scrimping is my game  :o)   ilona


  1. Fantastic bargains, I won't need to shop for several months now as I am just about to write a post on using up what I have.x

  2. Would love one of those outlets here, no such luck.

  3. I have just been looking back on your Arts and Crafts page and it was lovely to see lots of things I had forgotten about.
    Brilliant bargains
    Hazel c uk

  4. A timely post for me Ilona; January is when I have a look at expenditure and see what can be deleted or reduced for the year. Food of course is a never-ending cost so it has made me more determined to be more diligent.

  5. My nearest Aldi,is just a 5 min drive from me and every couple of weeks when I do my shopping, I get there just before they open in the morning.Meat,veg and bread with that days date on is half price.That way,I can get it straight home and in the freezer by 9 oclock.Ive saved alot of money doing it this way cause the rest of the family eat meat.I watch every penny and sometimes can go 14 days without spending anything.I just make the most of what is free around me!,xx

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Brilliant bargains; just shows you what their profit margins must be at normal prices. Love the cheddars; i have been known to munch my way through a whole packet over an evening!

  8. Great bargains Ilona, do you know there's a great shop on Holderness Road in Hull if you're ever there with the car, it's called 'Stack em High' they do lots of bargains. It's too far for me to go regular but if we're going that way to the east coast then it's worth a pop in. I too shop in different shops and always on the look out for a bargain xx

  9. It's great to get bargains on food you buy normally. It makes it worthwhile. Good value prices at this place. Good tip for us all. Thanks Ilona

  10. Vicky from Massachusetts18 January 2019 at 14:32

    Hey Ilona. I found you on YouTube and now I read your blog with my morning coffee. Thanks for sharing your life and your tips.You become a richer person when life costs less( at least I think so). I'm a frugal New Englander by nature and a super-scrimper in training. :)

    1. I love that sentiment "you becomes richer person when life costs less". Brilliant!

    2. Karen and Vicky..Thats just how I think and feel since I have been reading Ilonas blog!,xx

  11. Well done (again).

    just a comment re the new verification process...
    Honestly, it is a pain, BUT with the nuttos around who just want to cause grief, it WORKS>

    I don't like having to go through hoops to "chat" here, but I like even less you being harassed.

    so… works.

    am very glad you have found something which works for you, and allows me to still be part of this community.
    thanks much

    good day to all.

  12. I snack on dry cereal, too. And frequently feel "peckish," with or without. lol Always enjoy your blog and YouTube posts, Ilona; you always offer helpful hints and interesting insights.

  13. Oops. I forgot to add my name in the comment above (credited to "Unknown") bad! Greets from Florida. :-D


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