Tuesday, 22 January 2019

New colourful wall hanging.

Finished it at last. I started wrapping the big rings when I was on holiday in September, it's taken a while, ha ha. A slow process, choosing and mixing the colours, which fabric to use, how many circles to stitch onto the tree, how to finish the base of the tree, what fabric to back it with. It measures 16.5 inches across, and 23 inches top to bottom.

Placed side by side with an earlier one I made using the same tree template. I have extended the trunk for the new one. I think it looks better.

Placed side by side with this hanging which also has wrapped rings on it. These are thicker and bulkier so they don't sit flat on the background like the new one.

Three similar style hangings all together.

Testing I am in the frame before recording the video. I have a different top on, changed my mind.

This is not a 'how to make it', video, it would take far too long to film. I previously made one on how to wrap the rings. It's up to you what you do with the rings, if you are going to try it.

Phew, that's finished, now what to do next. Watch this space.  ilona


  1. These are so lovely; you put a great many hours on them. Such detail! Very nicely done.

  2. You've got those Dorset Buttons off to a fine art! Very colourful.

  3. hi ilona mayze heidi and oscar love your artwork beautiful colours. it must have taken you some time to complete. my birthday today i am 69. hope heidi is improving and oscar settling in. have a lovely evening. love from liz amy and benny.xxxxx

    1. Happy Birthday for yesterday liz.I hope that you had a great day!,xx

  4. Beautiful Ilona. WELL WORTH THE WAIT!

  5. I do like the second tree's longer trunk and the change at the bottom to leaves(?). All in all... worth all the time and effort! Hurrah for you!!

  6. lovely wall hanging Ilona. Each one is lovely in its own way. Must say I do like the longer tree trunk.

  7. Lovely work Ilona. You really have your own distinctive style.

  8. That really is eye catching. I bet a packet of cheap kids bangles would make excellent bases for a similar project

  9. Well that looks amazing! What a beautiful, creative, professional finish.So good when you are pleased with the result of so much work, thought and planning.

  10. Oh my gosh! Your wall hangings are just gorgeous!!

  11. STUNNING and so many different ways you have done the rings. I would be proud to have it my wall.
    Hazel c uk

  12. Just beautiful! I love all the texture and your choice of colors. You do such nice, interesting work.

  13. Beautiful, simply beautiful.

  14. Hilde in Germany23 January 2019 at 05:27

    Each of the wall hangings is beautiful, but I like the new one best. One can see that you have had a lot of practice and experience. These works of art surely brighten up a room, especially in this gloomy time of the year.

  15. To me,both trees are beautiful.I think that the smaller one looks more like Autumn and the bigger one looks like Spring.Its as though you have captured the seasons in your wall hangings!.You must feel very proud when they are finally finished...I know I would!,xx

  16. Beautiful Ilona, I just love your art work. You are very talented.

  17. Beautifully done! I love the colors, textures and details.

  18. Just lovely. Can you get your own exhibition at the ropery in barton? I'd love to see your craft work for real.

  19. I like them all. So colourful.

  20. Simply delightful! The one with the navy background is my favourite.

    Tricia x

  21. Absolutely fabulous Ilona !!!! I LOVE the "Trees n' Rings" series. Keep it up and you'll soon have a forest, or at least a little Woodland. Maybe some seasonal colours next time?
    Much patience and creativity needed. A pukka pro!! Hat off to you.

    1. OOH, that set me thinking. A winter one would be lovely.. all white and silver frosty shades

  22. Clever , clever stuff Ilona I love it ! xx

  23. Those trees are stunning. You invented a new art form.

  24. un trabajo precioso ¡Felicidades;

  25. These are absolutely beautiful thanks for sharing. Also many thanks for the money saving tips and advice. I am having to live on a tight budget for the foreseeable future but you have inspired me to embrace the challenge with positivity and it helps to know that I am not alone.Thank you.

  26. love these - love the colour combinations! they would make great fabric patterns for bright cushion-covers.

  27. They are beautiful,I love the colours.I think a bit medieval style of that's a proper thing ☺

  28. hi ilona Mayze Heidi and Oscar just wanted to mention how grateful i am for your brilliant idea of putting coloured lights into a clear vase. it has made us so more cheerful and with plain lights too has brightened up our living room. the weather has been frosty snowy and really cold so thank you so much for this wonderful idea. its so HYGGE DANISH. Thank you Ilona and your beautiful fur babies. LOVE LIZ AMY AND BENNY.XXXXX

  29. Hello ilona, just popping by for a visit & a read/catch up on your blog. LOVE, love your wallhangings ... so creative!! I shall watch the video next but I just wanted to leave you a comment to tell you how great they look. Loving your colour choices too. Julie


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