Friday, 25 January 2019

Walking around Cromford

Hey, I've been away, two nights at the Willersley Castle Hotel at Cromford near Matlock, some jolly fine walking in the area. I left home a bit later on Wednesday because there had been snow and a heavy frost during the night, so I waited till the sun came out and the gritters had treated the roads. 
I arrived at the hotel at 12.30pm, and after a bite to eat I set off for a bimble, taking the road towards Sparkholmes. It was a steep climb, but the views were lovely. That is Matlock Bath down there. 
So far up the road and I took a right turn over a stile and into a wood. The path was steep, so the views got better and better.

A bit further up and another photo. The two pylons you can see on the right are supporting the wires for the cable cars up to the Heights of Abraham.

At the top, Riber Castle comes into view across the fields, I zoomed in on it.

It was a beautiful sunny day.

I headed towards the castle, and took the road to the right hand side of it.

Oh wow, more fantastic views. Matlock looks pretty big down there.

It's been a while since I was last here, and the building work still isn't finished. All fenced off, can't get near it.

More of Matlock comes into view.

Time was getting on so I thought I ought to make my way back down to the main road and head back to the hotel. I had a look round Masson Mills on the A6 as I was passing. It's a big shopping complex, some nice things in there. I just wanted to get warm, it was getting pretty chilly now, time for the woolly hat. Only four miles covered because of the steepness.

I have a lovely room, and a lovely young man served my dinner in the lounge, as the dining room was full with a coach party. This is where I'm sitting as I type this, it will be published when I get back. ilona
PS. More photo's tomorrow.


  1. Lovely to read of another of your adventures and pleased you are staying in a nice hotel. What did the lovely young man serve you for dinner?

    1. It was some kind of beans and chickpeas stew, mashed potatoes and peas. It was tasty but I had to pick out all the tomato skins, I hate chewing them around in my mouth, they take forever to break down.

  2. We went on the mill tour, which was exceedingly interesting.

    1. I walked through the mill, but it was too cold to hang around waiting for the tour to start.

  3. Its great to get away for a couple of days isnt it!.Its a beautiful area where you went to as well.Glad that you have had a lovely time and are sharing your photos with us.This is what frugal life is all about...saving for things that you love doing.I bet you feel really refreshed after your break!xx

    1. I feel refreshed in my head, but my legs are a bit achey with all the steep ups and downs. 21 miles walked over the three days, not a lot, but it's best to be careful on the slippery slopes.

  4. Allison - Victoria, Canada25 January 2019 at 18:48

    Hi Ilona - a (possibly silly) question about the walking group tallies at the end of each month. Do you have a step tracker that counts your total steps per day, and then convert that to distance, or do you somehow measure out your distance just when you go "out for a walk" whether just around home of on one of your lovely walking breaks? Thanks!

    1. Hi. No I don't have a step tracker, like a fitbit. I don't count every step I take towards the 1000 miles. Some do, but that's up to them.

      I use a web site called My 2 and 3 miles around the village I already checked and stick to the same route. If I vary it I can check that on bikehike, before or after the walk. If I am out for the day or longer I take an Ordnance Survey map and mark the route as I walk it with a coloured pen, then check the distance when I get back.

    2. Allison - Victoria, Canada26 January 2019 at 15:36

      Thanks Ilona. :-)

  5. What beautiful photos! It's so nice to get away for a few days, especially in the winter.

  6. So pleased your have had a nice few days away, I was worried a bit that you were not well. Sounds like you had nice weather.
    Hazel c uk

  7. I haven't been to Matlock for years but we have booked a night there on the way to somewhere else.
    I've never been up to Riber Castle so maybe now's the time or are you saying that it’s fenced off at the moment?
    If it is there are lots of beautiful walks around to occupy us.
    Have you been to Buxton or Bakewell? Eyam is another very interesting place with a fascinating museum about the plague. The villagers cut themselves off when someone developed plague symptoms and saved it spreading through the area.

    1. Hi. Yes Riber Castle is fenced off. I believe it used to be a theme park/zoo. Can't get close enough to see exactly what's going on.

      Yes, I've been to the other places you mentioned. Stayed at the Youth Hostel at Eyam. Now running out of new places to walk without going further afield.

    2. Have you walked along the old railway lines round Buxton, Tissington Trail etc?
      What about Edale or the Goyt Valley.
      Is Yorkshire too far away?
      Round Malham there is beautiful scenery as long as you avoid weekends and school holidays.

    3. Yes, have done all those. If you put the names into the search facility on the side bar, you will find posts about them. I know Malham well, been several times, and stayed at the hostel there. Stayed at Edale hostel and done all that area. Walked along the Tissington Trail, and been to Buxton and area three times.

    4. Will have to really rack my brains to provide more ideas though if you fancied a trip by boat the Isle of Man has stunning walking everywhere.
      Sorry, should have checked your toolbar first but it's good having a “conversation”!

  8. Just lovely love the village surrounded by the country, i cant eat the skin off tomatoes i have always peeled my tomatoes and i cant eat tiny tomatoes too small to peel and i never heard anyone mention this until now you are the first after all these yrs lol

    1. I have just about given up with tomatoes, the skin is like chewing plastic. If I use a tin of tomatoes I have to go through it all picking the skin out before I use them in cooking.

  9. Tony and I have thoroughly enjoyed this post. You should write tour guides for a local paper/travel agent... Maybe they would pay you


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