Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Winter in the park.

Monday was sunny so I went for a walk in the park. This old tree has been a favourite for kids to play on over the years. Lots of low branches to climb on. Sadly all this attention has taken it's toll and the tree is now fenced off. One large branch has been removed, it was becoming dangerous and could have hurt someone. 
Hopefully it will recover and new growth will appear in the spring. It's quite amazing that it has survived as long as it has, looking at how the trunk has split into several low lying branches.

The duck pond is busy, a lot of quacking going on.

I have nine more shopping bags ready to give away when I next go to Tesco. Trying to use up some of my stash. It's never ending.

Cats are all fine, though Oscar is getting picky with his food. I have to make time for a cuddle with him, he likes to sit on my lap on the sofa. He is becoming more affectionate.  ilona


  1. What a lovely old tree

  2. I think it is sweet how the cats become more affectionate with age.
    Yours are such good company for you.

  3. A walk around the park is lovely on a sunny winters day.In fact I much prefer it to when its summer time because there isnt so many people about.Its so nice of you to give your bags out to people.I would love it if someone did that when I was shopping!.A couple of years ago,I got given one at a Christmas street market and it made my day!xx

  4. What a lovely post and I do hope they can save the tree. You are so kind to make the bags I miss work n my sewing machine.
    It's a lovely morning a very heavy frost and sunshine. I hope to get a little walk lunch time.
    Hazel c uk

  5. Glad to hear that Oscar is finding his place in your home! Since my cat Harry has passed on, one of my 2 remaining cats, Hector, has started to want up on the sofa beside me. He's always been chatty but not wanting stroking. It's a good feeling that he too is finding his place in his changed 'new' household.

  6. Hi, do you give your bags to random people, or after you've got talking to someone? Great, kind, sharing thing to do. Love your blog especially the diy, skip diving and seeing.

    1. Hi Sue. I take two or three with me along with my own bags in the trolley. As I'm walking around I'm looking for likely candidates, people who are going to buy a few items which might fit in the bag. If they don't appear to have brought a bag with them I then offer them one of mine.

      I don't engage in conversation, because I want it to be a surprise, a total stranger giving them a gift. I briefly explain why I'm doing it. I say I get the materials for nothing, I would like it if they didn't get a plastic bag, the cloth bag is washable, and I don't want anything for it. The surprised look on their face makes me smile.

      If I have reached the checkouts and I still have a bag left, I look along the line of tills and hand it to the person who might need it.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.