Thursday, 10 October 2019

Sew Saturday at Jaylaurs - the pics

We have some pics from Saturday. Jaylaurs Sewing Studios in Brigg held their annual event, a day packed with sewing activities, workshops, prizes to be won, and guest speakers. 
New skills to learn, eyes down, this is how you do it.

The lovely ladies must have worked their little socks off to get it all ready. They certainly didn't stop on the day. A marquee at the front of the shop provided an extra sales area, it was all hands on deck. 
Thanks to Jaylaurs for the borrow of the pics. I was so caught up in it all that I forgot to get my camera out. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello-
    A new visitor to your blog after Francesca ( blogged about you!

    This event looks like so much fun. So envious that you were able to attend a class by Sue Stone. Her sons have a website about many textile artists and often mention her.

    And always open to hear how others save money or use materials in other ways.


  2. It looks like a good time was had by all and that is a lovely photo of you holding your plastic garden picture!.Nice that there was quite a few youngsters there as well!.I wish that they had things like this where I live.xx


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