Thursday, 11 November 2021

Hair on fire

Good morning. My hair was looking a bit ropey, dark roots and a straw like texture to it. Something needed to be done. 
I already had the amethyst chrome, and thought it might be a bit too drastic, so I bought the mango one. 
I like this colour. 

Someone else made this patchwork topper and passed it on to me. She didn't have enough batting to finish it. Someone gave me a duvet to make into pet beds, I've used most of it in this single bed quilt. I just need to run it under the machine a few times to hold it all together, then I can give it back to them. 

It's looking like a nice day so I might go out. I have to go to the Post Office, and the shop, and drop something in at a friends house. Always something to do. That's how I like it.

Thanks for dropping in. Toodle pip.    ilona


  1. Your hair colour is great Ilona that colour suits you mine is very similar I find when you have colours it the condition improves againx

    1. I have had it this colour before, so I sort of knew what I was getting this time.

  2. Welcom ILONA,if you like this colour,it is the most important thing,congratulation and greetings from Anna

    1. Thank you Anna. I send greetings back to you.

  3. Your hair color looks LOvely ilona Hope you are well ❤can you do another coffee and bench video's ..maybe bit cold for bench chats ,,but coffee chats know its winter ☕
    Hope you have a nice day!
    My mums as been house decorated 😉
    Wanted a change she said !

    1. Not a coffee chat coming up. Will be served shortly.

  4. Lovely colour Ilona. Yes a new coffee chat would be nice!

    1. A new on on yoootooob now, will appear here shortly.

  5. I like the tone, you tend to go to the warmer autumn colours this time of year and then go lighter and fairer in spring and summer. Lovely.

    1. Different colours can reflect different moods. Darker = cool and calm, lighter = bright and cheerful.

  6. You have done a great job there Ilona.That would maybe cost about £60 in the least!.I have been doing a bit of sewing myself.Only repairing things,but making sure that will get another years use out of them.I managed to get out into town yesterday with my Mam.Got a great bargain of a pair of Jones Bootmaker ankle boots for a £1.A lot of my boots need heeling,but that is going to cost about a tenner each pair.Well,its a damp start to the day here in Leicester but never mind.We are all awake and ready to make the most of it!xx

    1. Thanks Debi. My visit to the backdoor hairdresser costs £5. A bargain.


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