Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Going home for Christmas

Thinking of my friends today. They are up in the air on their way to the US. Lara hasn't seen her family for two years. She met Bill online and they got married in the US, after a courtship of several years. Lara moved here to live with Bill, (made up names), then came lockdown and they were unable to travel. I wish them a safe journey. 
I feel so excited for them, they are a lovely couple.

Catch ya later.  ilona


  1. How lovely for them, I hope they have a super time. Sadly I am not sure I will ever get to see my family in NZ again, and it is heartbreaking.

    1. My friends grand daughter has recently gone to NZ to take up a nursing post in a hospital. I don't know if it is a fixed term, and when they will be allowed to come back. They had to isolate for 14 days on arrival. The world is changing and it is very sad that families are separated by this.

  2. I expect they are there now. I am really pleased for them.

    1. I think they will be. Train to Manchester Airport, fly to Heathrow, fly to New York. Lara wasn't happy about having to wear a mask for the whole time, but she said it's worth it to see her family.

  3. Wishing them both a safe ilona ✈
    And good luck to your friend's granddaughter on going to nz for nursing 💞
    How old's she ilona

    1. I don't know how old she is, I didn't ask. Around 20 at a guess. I met her once.


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