Monday, 8 November 2021

The next big thing

 We have a new plague on the horizon. Forget about keeping safe by staying indoors, covering your face, not mixing with people, and getting a needle stuck into you at regular intervals throughout your life. The new health passports will not protect you either. Show us your papers to get into venues, attend events, visit the gym, and go shopping. No jabberwockys, no job. 

The next big disaster is worse, and will be rolled out to continue the fear factor. Now even breathing is dangerous. A Canadian facing breathing issues was diagnosed as possibly the first patient in the world suffering from Climate Change. Doctors said heatwaves and poor air quality were responsible for his condition. 

This has been known about for years, centuries even, but now it suits their purpose to bring it back into play. 

At this point in the Independent article, the patient changes from male to female. Possibly trans ? 

The patient who was (is she dead?) in her 70's was diagnosed in the summer soon after the heatwave that Dr Merritt says directly contributed to making her ailment worse. 

“She has diabetes. She has some heart failure .… She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,” he said. “All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.” The diagnosis from Dr Merritt has led to other doctors in the province launching an initiative called Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.

World leaders at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow have been pushing for stricter climate action targets to prevent more extreme impacts in the coming years and the pledges have reduced the projected emissions below 2°C for the first time.

The present situation will rumble on a bit longer but is starting to fizzle out. They have to have something else to bolster up the campaign. Conspiracy theorist my arse, Ha, some of us are free thinkers and have a load more common sense than others. 

Looking like a nice day outside. Looking like a good day for a walk.  

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I'm sorry, but I don't understand your post...are you saying you don't believe that air quality affects our health? All the wildfires, all the smoke and smog and air pollution... The ice sheets in Greenland and Iceland are melting faster. Plastics and chemicals are poisoning our water supplies, We have experienced more hurricanes and tornadoes and flooding and droughts and extreme weather than I can remember in my lifetime.
    Do you seriously think that we aren't destroying our planet and causing harm to ourselves? :(
    Enjoy your walk.

    1. I have no opinions one way or another on climate change. Read the post again.

    2. Kathy,I can see that you are really worried. May I suggest you read 'False Alarm' by Bjorn Lomborg. Take care, Jagoda.

    3. Thank you Jagoda. That looks like an interesting book.
      It has good reviews on Amazon.

  2. wWHY do you harp on and on about things? I rarely read your posts any more. A real Debby Downer..suspicious of all and constantly complaining...

    1. Just bugger off then. You don't have to come here.

    2. Well said Ilona and Justme l quite like Foxtrot Oscar myself😁

  3. Thank you for putting out this information, I have my own opinion but all I am going to say is that I find this whole event very suspicious. We should all respect each other's views and refrain from getting into a verbal punch up. Amanda in Northants

  4. Sounds like you have been reading The Onion newspaper. I agree with Lynda - would much rather see your lovely sewing projects and craft creations.

    1. My blog covers anything I am interested in. I like variety, that way I don't get bored.

    2. It takes a lot of nerve to tell people what they should post on their own blog!
      Ilona, you are a well-rounded blogger and I appreciate you for that.

  5. LOL...So 'climate change' is the cause of my asthma not my genetics. And 'climate change' is the cause of my diabetes not genetics. What a crock of s___! Those people have lost their cotton pickin' minds!
    What does living in a trailer have to do with an old person's chronic health problems? And if you don't know how to keep cool during a heat-wave, no matter where you live, you are going to have problems. Same as if you don't know how to keep yourself warm independent of artificial means you are going to suffer. Some people's children...

  6. They just don't get it do they Ilona!

  7. You just couldn't make it up could you?...oh wait a minute they DO make it up!

  8. Good grief! What will the next way to try to control us be?! Thanks for sharing the information.

    1. I'll let you know the answer to that question when I find out. Once they get the vaxxxxx passports passed in Parliament, then the fun begins. Your life will not be your own. We have to say no.

  9. If you look back into our not too distant history, this is a load of rubbish: "A Canadian facing breathing issues was diagnosed as possibly the first patient in the world suffering from Climate Change. " I'm sure you have heard of SMOG and how it killed people back in the 50s. Bad air ALWAYS causes health problems.

  10. I'm sorry Ilona, but I'm not reading your blog anymore. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, especially on their own blogs. However, I'm a bit fed up with your view that those of us who don't agree with your views on the current situation are mindless sheep. "Ha, some of us are free thinkers and have a load more common sense than others" - that's just rude.

    I hope you continue to enjoy good health and a good life. I bear you no ill will.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, I quite understand. It is everyone's choice whether they read or comment on someone's blog. There are a lot of blogs that I don't fit into, those that are at odds with my way of thinking. I choose to ignore them.

      I wish you well.

  11. I don't know about climate change but if you want to see real pollution go to Hong Kong. Working on a ship we sailed into Hong Kong Harbour in what I thought was heavy fog. It was pollution with lots of people wearing masks on the streets. Don't think they helped either. Never seen anything like it before. Dear Greta should go there and protest instead of encouraging kids to miss school here.

  12. It's sad that people may not read your blog any more as it's good to have oour thinking challenge even if we don't agree with someone else's views. I feel Covid has been a warm-up act, followed by COP26 (incidentally, I do feel we are trashing the earth but we don't need a collection of talking heads to tell us how to cure it, we just need to consume less stuff). But if we're made to feel we are unworthy destroyers of the planet it will be easy to make us older ones agree to compulsory euthanasia and that is the purpose of COP26. (sorry to be gloomy, but I feel this will be one of the next steps as not enough of us have died from Covid).

    Amanda, Sussex

  13. Thank you all for your comments.


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