Monday, 8 November 2021

Glorious Autumn

Twas a gloriously sunny afternoon when I stepped out of the door to go for a walk. 
Wind turbines with double blades now. Will this new trend double the electricity output ;o)

Mr bunny rabbit enjoying a bit of sunbathing. 

The sweetcorn has all been scoffed, the plants are going to seed. 
Can you see me mother. I have a tree growing out of the top of my head. Sitting on a bench eating a cheese sandwich. I spoke to an elderly gentleman who was walking his rather portly dog. I have chatted to him before. He tells me he is 90, and still drives his car to go shopping. He spoke about the places he went to in Germany in the war. Some of the names I recognised.  
I called in at the park, as I happened to be passing. The trees look gorgeous in their Autumn colours. 

On the last leg, I will be walking alongside that line of trees, heading back to the village. 

I combined two walks into one, it was seven miles. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Autumn is so welcome in So. Ca.. After a hot summer, we are having temps in the 70's and 80's. Since the sun is not overhead, the weather is wonderful. It cools to 45 to 50 degrees at it. Ha, ha, a tree growing out of your head. The shadows are wonderful. I don't like the sight of the huge white wind turbines. We don't have them around us but driving to the desert they are everywhere. In my opinion, they ruin the view. Have a good week. Patty McDonald

    1. I think it would improve the views if the wind turbines were painted with pastel colours.

  2. Love your shadow picture - complete with Cheese Sandwich! :)

    1. I sat there enjoying my sandwich, watching the traffic go by, and noticed a tree growing out of my head. I snap a picture at every opportunity. It can always be dumped later on the computer if it is rubbish. I dump lots.

  3. Beautiful photos, the colours of the trees are so pretty. The sun is out, washing on so hopefully so last day for the garden waste and have a good tidy up in the garden.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

    1. Hello Hazel it was warm here today so I was able to tidy up in my garden. The brown bin is full and ready for collection tomorrow.

  4. I know this sounds 'nit picky', but if the Elderly Gentleman you speak to is 90 years old, he cannot possibly have served during WW2, as he would have been 14/15 years old when the war ended!
    That Japanese Maple in the park is looking wonderful!

    1. Yes it is nit picky. No need to question the old boy, he was reminiscing and enjoying a bit of conversation. It's what elderly people do.

    2. I know all about what elderly people do, my father in law is 91, and reminisces a lot, but he doesn't imagine fighting during the war. The fact is, he could not possibly have fought during WW2, maybe he was with the troops who went in to do clean up jobs after the event, but he was too young for anything else. When you meet him, it's great that you stop and chat with him, but he's not being strictly honest with you.

    3. I don't care if he has not been strictly honest with me. What harm is it doing allowing an old man to recall events in his life, even if they may not be 100% true. Are you suggesting that I call him a liar.

    4. I wouldn't question him either.

    5. Neither would l let him be. Ilona what is wrong with people? They can be so savage. Honestly let's just remember to kind rather than nit picking and even better say nothing at all if you cant say something nice. Rant over!

  5. The colours of autumn really are so pretty. What a lovely walk. Nice to talk to elderly people as well when we get the opportunity. We can learn a lot from them.

    1. There is a short window of time to enjoy the Autumn colours before the leaves fall to the ground.

  6. Lovely photos Ilona.I bet that old guy really enjoyed you taking the time to chat with him and as Serenata says,we can learn so much from older people,xx

    1. He does enjoy a natter when I see him. I make a point of stopping for a chat. I will be old one day and I would like to think someone might be interested in my life story, even if I get a few details wrong.


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