Tuesday, 7 December 2021

A slight adjustment.

I said to my friend, back in August 2016, let me know when you have finished with that jacket, I would like it. So she gave it to me. 
I haven't worn it very often since then because I have other jackets, but it is coming in very useful in the high winds we are having at the moment. The only trouble is the furry hood is loose fitting and is either hanging down at the front over my eyes, or the wind is blowing into my face and pushing it backwards. 

I gave the fur a haircut at the front and that has helped a bit. I have tried fastening the buttons and press studs right to the top, but it is too tight and half strangles me, and the hood is still loose. There must be an alteration I can do. 

A strip of fabric and make two ties. Sew them onto the hood through buttons. 

That's better. Now it fits snugly around my head. 
Ready to do battle with the Arctic winds. Catch ya tomorrow.  ilona


  1. Replies
    1. It looks like that, the way I am standing. It was a sunny day in August.

  2. Ilona you have dear wee legs I wish my legs were slim lol.the coat looks great I love to tie on the furry hood x

  3. Some more amazing stitching,thinking the problem through and fixing it!.It does look warm and snug now....and talking of your amazing stitching....I had a wonderful surprize through the post yesterday.You had sent me a piece of your wonderful arts and crafts.One of your recent ones as well!!.You dont know just how much this cheered me up!.With having a rotten week,feeling so sad with Tiggy dying,you made me smile again.It now takes pride of place on my wall.Thank you so much.It was a lovely thought and just proves to me,what I have always thought...just what a lovely person you are,xxx

    1. Hi Debi. I'm pleased you like the picture. You are such a kind person, always talking about your Mam and how much you do for her. You are a devoted daughter. I wanted to send you something, because you make me remember my Mam and what I have missed out on because she is no longer here. Give your Mam an extra hug from me. xxx

  4. I love a good hood on a coat

  5. What a good idea! I have the same problem with my winter jacket and my raincoat. Now I know what to do about it. Thank you so much. You really think outside the box.
    Hilde in Germany

  6. Nice coat ilona❤suit you it'll keeeep you warm 🔥 in these winter night's..


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