Thursday, 9 December 2021

New artwork and a coffee chat

Here are a few photo's of my new artwork. This is how it started out. A piece of fabric which fits perfectly on a 12 inch canvas. The canvas is second hand from a car boot sale. I did a collage on it but didn't like that.
And this is how it ended up. There was no plan, I just kept adding bits and bobs to it. 
The small flower sequins were from WH Smith, they have a reduced section of stuff they want to get rid of. 
The flower petals in the centre is an artificial flower which had been in the garden for almost a year. The red colour had faded so I painted it purple. After it was stitched on I decided that it needs some sparkle, so I painted it with red glitter glue. 
The centre is a broken brooch. The lace and red beads I have had for years. 

The silver chain is covered elastic. I inherited it from a friends house clearance. 

I laced the finished fabric at the back to pull it tight over the canvas. Then covered the back with a piece of plain cotton fabric. I like a tidy back. 

And here is a coffee chat video in which I show it. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip    ilona


  1. Ah beautiful artwork Ilona. I feel like I needed a coffee chat today thank you. Struggling a bit today I think so it's nice to hear a friendly voice.

    1. I understand. Life can be an uphill struggle sometimes.

  2. Hi,Ilona.Thanks for the coffee chat.I say thank goodness for the thinking power to be able to be 'different' and make our own decisions.It always amazes me that, while we can have a live and let live attitude,the 'masses' seem to need to 'convert' everyone to their way of thinking.Seems a bit insecure for people who know they are right!

    1. I have never been a clubby kind of person. If I am in a club I want to run it. Like the time I started a singles club. I was happy to put it all together and watch people make friends and have a good time, but I never wanted to be in the thick of it. Just to see people having fun was reward enough. I don't see any happiness in those who are members of the majority group. I get the impression that they are constantly worried about what comes next.

  3. You made something unique and beautiful out of something quite ordinary!
    Hilde in Germany

  4. Ive just logged on and found that you had done a coffee did I miss that!.Anyway,I made myself a coffee and sat and enjoyed it.Mayze does make me laugh the way she glances at you as you are talking to us.Then thinks its a great idea to show us her bum hole...see how polite I was there,lol....My Lily spends most of her life wanting to do that and 2 weeks ago my Grandson stayed over with his girlfriend.They could hear me saying,from my bedroom,can you get your arse from out my face.He had to explain that I was talking to my cat and not my Hubby who was laid next to me,lol.Anyway,I get what your saying about bullying.Its not always a nice world out there now and I cant stand bullying of any kind.Hope that you have a great weekend!xx

    1. I think you have other things on your mind. You are allowed time off.

      Oscar jumped up on the desk in front of me last night. There was a distinct pong of poo as he proceeded to wash his bum in front of me. YUK.


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