Tuesday, 19 April 2022

This and that

 I saw two hedgehogs having nookies last night. Before I went to bed at 10.30pm I  checked on the food situation outside. Has it been disturbed. Oh, that's a surprise, both hedgehogs cavorting around the bowls. One of them had it's head down facing the stone border around the garden, the other was circling it, then hopping onboard. How do hedgehogs make love? Very carefully. I watched for a few minutes before the passive one wandered off. Looking forward to seeing some hoglets at some point during the summer. 

I see that a lot of flights are being cancelled at the moment. I'm not surprised. Railway stations are chaos. I'm not surprised. Motorways are blocked with horrendous tailbacks. I'm not surprised. Piles of human poo on Mount Snowdon. I'm not surprised. Garage owner fears 80% of his drivers hit by new red diesel law. I'm not surprised. Fatigue and dizziness maybe signs of stealth Omicron. I'm not surprised. Cancer vaccine using same tech as covid jabs could be a game changer. I'm not surprised. Drivers could face up to £1000 fine for not drinking enough water. I'm not surprised. Symptoms to spot in children as mystery liver disease which could be new covid variant hits UK. I'm not surprised. 

I have recently come across this web site, The Wall Will Fall. Their strap line is, Where mainstream media fears to tread. Gareth retweeeeted a link to it. The latest article is from Vanessa Beeley. A respected journalist who lives in Syria. She is a regular contributor on UK Column, also 21st Century Wire. In this latest article she talks about Shanghai Lockdown and asks the question, who is behind it? It's a comprehensive article which brings together a lot of loose ends. Nothing is as straight forward as the main stream media would have you believe. The links are all there for anyone who has an appetite to get to the bottom of things.   

You have the power to live your life to the full. The hedgehogs have got it right. Lots of love.   ilona xxx


  1. I think the hedgehogs ilona have got the art of living right
    Yes ! 👍💓
    hope you are WEll meanqueen

  2. Oh my!!! Baby hedgehogs 🦔♥️♥️. You most the perfect atmosphere, privacy, food, drink and mood lighting ☺️☺️. Now to see what happens.

  3. Do you watch James Corbett ilona x https://www.corbettreport.com/


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.