Monday, 18 April 2022

Two visitors tonight

The first hedgehog came tonight just before 9pm. It had a good scoff. Then the second one turned up and the first one scarpered. It didn't have a drink, I hope it comes back later. The second one had a scoff and a drink. 

I tried to make a video but it is too dark. I don't want to put more lighting up as it may scare them and they won't come back. They are coming every night. Most of the food has gone by the morning. Whether it is more hedgehogs or cats that have eaten it, I don't know. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Oh wow!!!! That is so cool!!! They should keep your garden healthy. Thanks fir sharing your pictures. They are so so cute. ♥️♥️ They may hang around for a while, they are getting feed very well.

  2. Thanks for sharing and feeding them. I love animals and nature.


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