Saturday, 9 July 2022

A smashing time.

Good evening. I'm just back from a little adventure. I forgot to take a pan with me to heat the water for my morning coffee. Got the mug, got the stove, got the coffee and the spoon, but no means to heat the water.  Oh bugger. First things first, go and find a Costa. So here we are, my very first Costa Coffee. £4.95 with a muffin. I had no idea which coffee to choose so I gave the young lady my preferences and let her decide It was a bit strong, needed six sachet of sugar to make it palatable.
Meet my new best friend. He was sitting all alone in a wood. I chatted him up, but after ten minutes I was getting nowhere. I left him to it. 
So where have I been. Here is a clue. A mural at the Railway Station. 
I'm back now. I've had a smashing time. I will get the photo's sorted out and post some tomorrow. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I don't think I could ever pay Costa's prices. The most I'd pay is probably 99p for a coffee from somewhere like mcdonalds.

    1. I wasn't bothered by the cost, I needed coffee. I won't be making it a regular thing.

  2. I have never had a Costa coffee.Looks nice and your muffin too. Price not bad if you consider it your breakfast. We go to our local Salvation Army cafe/ charity shop. Its on the Spot in Derby. Usually take a couple of donations too. Two cappucino's and two toasted teacakes £7. for our breakfast . Very friendly staff. Look forward to your pics of Buxton.

    1. I never get a coffee out, anywhere. Can't see the point of sitting in a cafe on my own. I would rather get a cold drink from a shop and sit on a bench for five minutes.

  3. He doesn’t look like much of a talker mother. 😂 Can’t wait to see where we went on this adventure!!!! The coffee looks strong, someone pass the creamer. ☕️☕️

    1. The coffee was a bit too strong. I didn't see the words latte or cappuccino anywhere. I might have chosen one of those.


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