Sunday, 10 July 2022

The night before the day after

I decided to go to Buxton on Friday afternoon, ahead of a big day planned for the town. I wanted to secure a parking place, because I knew it would be extremely busy. A dead end side street off a busy road meant there wouldn't be much passing traffic. It was tree lined so the shade was welcome. There was time to go for a walk before bed time.
The Park has a big pond and the geese were gathered on the bank. The sun behind me lit up the bank and houses on the other side. 
There were quite a few young birds about, learning how to peck at the bugs on the ground. 

I love the reflections in this picture. 

Eventually the geese all got up and paddled in a line to the other end of the pond. 

I went for an explore, using a street map that I already had from a previous visit. I save all maps, in case they might come in useful. There is a big mound of earth called The Slopes. Standing on top gives some good views. The town was not so busy, just wait till tomorrow when it will be heaving.  

There was a FunFair up the hill at the Market Place. I had a look around but didn't take any photo's Some of the trucks they had were not as old as the usual ones you see. The rides were the same as the Fair which came to Winterton. 
I looked for some of the Well Dressings, but only found one. They are looking a bit wilted now, after two weeks on display. 

The Crescent was quiet. It is guaranteed to come alive tomorrow. 

I got into bed at 10pm and had a decent nights sleep. All the other parked cars had gone and only mine was left. Here is a little video I made in the morning. 

Saturday, was a full day, more exploring and a walk in the morning, and watching the parade in the afternoon. You will see from the next video and pics just how busy it was. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

1 comment:

  1. Ah - stealth camping. This is a really good idea and saves paying for campsites as prices have gone up and most are usually booked anyway. There’s no room for spontaneity in the new abnormal. Just wonder how you manage for toilets - not a problem in the countryside but more difficult in an urban area.
    It was unlucky about the kettle and just the sort of thing I’d do although I used to keep a camping kit in a plastic box so I could just grab and go.


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