Monday, 11 July 2022

Saturday morning at Buxton

After my visit to Costa Coffee I had a little bimble around the town. The park railings are decorated with crochet flower arrangements, bunting, and lots of posters advertising the coming events. 

These painted stones are set into concrete on the ground. A novel idea so they stay put and are not moved around. 

The Opera House is half covered in scaffolding and plastic. A big renovation project is going on. Last night this was buzzing with people dressed in their refinery, sipping wine. An invitation only special event was taking place. 
The revellers spilled over to the pub next door. Now quiet this morning. 

This is a college. Typical of the type of buildings in Buxton. 

I found another decorated Well. Looking a bit tired after two weeks outdoors in the elements. 

I had a browse in the Pavilion. Support for local arts and crafts play a big part here. It's also an Information Centre so I picked up some leaflets. I might have bought something from the shop, or had an ice cream, but they didn't want my cash. I asked a woman why the rule of card only. She said they don't have the staff to process cash payments, count it up, and deposit it in the bank. She said they started this system before covid. I don't believe her. Seems daft to turn away potential customers. 

I went back to the car and changed my footwear to boots. There is a lovely Serpentine Walk through the woods which is popular with dog walkers. Benches to sit down. I chatted to several dog walkers. 

I think that's enough pics for this post. To be continued later with a walk through Buxton Country Park, with some fantastic views from the top of a hill. 

It's Monday morning and looking like a sunny day. If it gets too hot again I shall be looking for some shade. Too much sun drains me. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. We have a flat in Buxton, which we have owned for over thirty five years. We used to spend most weekends there, and lots of holidays when our son was young, we love the area.
    Since we took early retirement (2011 and 2012) we now spend our time more or less evenly between our Cheshire bungalow and our Buxton flat.
    I can tell you with absolute certainty that the Pavilion has been 'card only' payments since long before Covid. They were not being awkward, or lying to you, it's been a rule for a long time. Many of the 'staff' you meet in The Pavilion are volunteers, W.I. And such like, and it makes their lives easier if they don't have to deal with cash!

    1. Thank you for that update. As digital currency is the plan for the future, they will be ahead of the game.

  2. The college building was once, believe it or not, the Duke of Devonshire (Chatsworth)’s stables. He gifted it to the people of Buxton in perpetuity as a hospital, which was named after him: The Royal Devonshire. My mum was treated there in the 50s. Some jiggery-pokery later, the council reneged on the deal and sold it off to the ‘University of Derby’. Now when I have been in it has been mostly filled with Chinese.

  3. Seems like such a nice place. ☺️ They seem to have lots going on. We have a few stores that are card only now. We have seen many people get up to the register to only set their items down and leave the store because they only had cash with them. Sad when cash is not taken…. Thanks for taking us along mother!!!!

    1. Those who do not take cash are playing right into the hands of the WEF who are on a mission to restrict access to goods and services, thus forcing people to comply with their plan. It's about control. It's about creating a two tier system, so that not everyone will be treated equally.

  4. Aha not far from here 25 miles or so.many happy memories of Buxton over the years. I have been thinking of starting a blog of my own lately but have no idea where to start any tips would be hugely appreciated clayre. Was thinking of calling it pockets of brightness in your honour. If you don't mind of course clayre

    1. It's easy to start a blog. Click on the icon Blogger, go to their home page, and follow instructions. Arrange everything on your home page how you want it to look, when you are happy with it, click publish. Your content should be all your own work. Write for yourself. Tell a few people about it and wait until they find it. It will grow naturally.

  5. I've lost count of how many nasty comments I have received on this post. All dumped in the bin I may add. It's sad that there are so many bitter people about, but sorry to say, I am not surprised. The Government has done it's utmost to turn people against each other. I don't feel the need to join in this game.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.