Friday 19 May 2023

Bird watching at Flamborough.

I went over the Humber Bridge yesterday to Hull. My de cluttering is ongoing and I had quite a lot of stuff to get rid of. I know, I'll donate it to the Scrapstore. A lot of it I got from there anyway. I haven't used it so they can have it back. It was nice to see Tracey and the gang again. After a good old natter and a mug of coffee I was on my way to the seaside. You would think it's easy to follow the Bridlington signs out of Hull, after all it's a straight road going north. The signposts are pretty hopeless. I got to my destination eventually. The mission was to have a walk along the coast at Flamborough to photograph the seabirds. 
It was quite busy, a lot of people had come out, even though the weather was overcast. No blue skies today. At least it was dry and warm. This is the newer of the two light houses.  
This is the older one. Taken from a distance across a field and a golf course. 
I'm on my way across the cliff top. 
Too many photo as usual. Whittled down to just a few. 

Here is a guide if you want to identify the birds. 

As I don't know the names of many birds, I don't know the names of many flowers either. I take photo's of things that look nice. 

Pleasure boat taking visitors for a different view of the cliffs. 
A flask and a bench, that's all you need after a day of golfing. 

This is North Landing. Time to turn round and walk back to the car. 

This seems a bit mean. It's a massive car park. Not near any houses. It's a good job I am not staying the night then. 
I've been to Flamborough several times before, all documented on this blog. I have walked a lot of the paths on the east coast of Yorkshire. It's always a pleasure to be here. 
I've had an at home day today to catch up on the garden tidying and housework. It's the weekend, have a good one. Toodle pip.   ilona

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