Friday 19 May 2023


 Someone made a comment on the Harewood Hall video, on my channel. 

Beautiful, it was used in many productions and films, Queen Victory, Pemberlay, etc. Unhappily all that wealth, is linked to slave trade and abuse.

This irks me somewhat. This is my reply.

Wealth will always be linked to slavery, in the past and all the way through to modern day. One should not dwell too much on what has already happened, it is history, it can't be changed. Tearing down statues is ridiculous. We should be concentrating on the slavery that is going on right now in front of our eyes. There is a lot to be learnt about the past. We should be using that knowledge to ensure it doesn't happen again.

I will expand on that.

We are all slaves in one way or another. There will always be people who think they know better, and it is usually those who hold the purse strings. Those with power are those who hold all the money, that's how it's always been.

So who are the masters and who are the serfs in the grand scheme of things today? Those who give out orders are those who have access to a lot of money. They tell, or should I say order, those lower down the ladder, how they they should live their lives. A lot of people are happy to go along with that. Understandable if the powers that be supply all their needs.

I often hear the terms bandied about, 'It's for your own good', or, 'It's for the good of everyone'. These two conflicting statements are confusing a lot of people. Should I really go along with that? Always question everything.

Examples of where we are heading right now.

Central Bank Digital Currency. The banks call the shots, it will be programmable.

Blocking off roads to make it more difficult to travel.

Killing off the NHS and handing it over to private companies.

Pushing out even more drugs. An addict will always beg for more.

Pricing the lower paid out of the housing market.

Concreting over farm and rural land to build more little boxes with no gardens.

Shutting down smaller businesses, pushing people towards internet shopping.

Net zero here, when other parts of world are building more coal fired power stations.

Sacked workers are to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence.

There are many more examples of how we are being manipulated, being coerced into taking up our positions as slaves, as serfs. There is a way to turn the tide, but it will take a humungous effort for people to delve into every aspect of their lives, and question their own motives about how they do things. I have often used the term, 'I can't be bothered', but for the sake of humanity, I can be bothered. The tables need to be turned. The ratio of serfs to masters needs to be reversed. We need to stand our ground.

It's a sunny morning and I have much to do. A video and photo's coming later on my day out yesterday. Keeping my life as normal as I can. Toodle pip. ilona

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