Tuesday 23 May 2023

Boiling over

I am having a bit of a declutter purge in my house. Getting rid of stuff I haven't used, don't need, and have no further use for. It's easy to sort through cupboards and drawers, the contents are solid objects. Keep chuck, yes or no. 
Who keeps dumping this crap on my computer? I don't need it, didn't ask for it, and don't want it. So, there is a lot of free money available in the form of grants which can be used towards a new boiler. Why are they pushing this? Well if you have been watching what is going on you will have a pretty good idea. 
We are being nudged towards net zero emissions, because there is a climate crisis. Ha ha, what just like millions of people were going to drop dead in the street from a nasty bug, like they did in China. Like the treatment they offered people was going to stop the bug. Pull the other leg, it's got bells on.  
Are the Government awash with money? No they are not. They just move debt about to give the impression that all is well, when it isn't. Trickery at it's finest.  

I did actually get a grant 14 years ago, because I was unemployed for a few months before I retired. My central heating hadn't worked for over three years, I managed without it because I couldn't afford to get a new system installed. I saw a window of opportunity and applied. They updated my heating system and insulated the house. The boiler still works under the watchful eye of my local plumber. 
Apply now by all means if you think you might qualify. Take your pick. I very much doubt that I do. I don't update things until they actually stop working, or they are going to cost me a lot in repairs. 
Rather than put an ad blocker on my computer, the simple remedy is to ignore the crap coming my way. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 

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