Wednesday 24 May 2023

Carefully does it

 My back has gone a bit wonky, I'm trying to work out how it happened. I haven't had any back pain for years. It could be that the sawing up of a massive pallet on the back garden yesterday was not a good idea. I want to get rid of it. It is now in two pieces, but still too big to load into the car and take to the tip. I might get an able bodied man to move it to the front gate and put a note on it, free to take. 

What could have triggered it is all the weeding I am doing. Kneeling on a cushion and leaning forward to remove the weeds means putting extra pressure on the back muscles. I need to put one hand on the ground for support. 

Or it could be that I spent the last hour in bed this morning lying on my side. My usual position is to lie flat on my back the whole night. 

Now I am moving around very carefully, trying to keep my back straight and upright. I walked slowly to the Coffee Morning, this morning. I am glad I made the effort, had a nice chat with a woman who has a small art group that meets at her house. She is into painting pictures. She is also a hypnotherapist and does relaxation classes. I said, tell me more. Could be something I could join in with in the future. 

It's sunny so I think I should be outside now. Sitting in a chair, not moving a pallet about or pulling weeds up. Bye for now.   Toodle pip.   ilona

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