Sunday 18 June 2023

Always ask questions.

I put this video out a few days ago. It has had 2.6k views and some very positive comments. 
I have some questions of my own to ask our Government. I wonder how they would answer them, if they happen to drop by my little blog. 
Partygate seems to have fizzled out with no signs of anyone being prosecuted for breaking the rules. Now that a new video has emerged of the shenanigans that went on behind closed doors at number 10, will the case be reopened to consider the new evidence? 
Why is Shaun Bailey soon to become Lord Bailey, on the honors list when he mockingly attended the parties at number 10?  
Have all politicians taken the c19 jab in the arm? The first two doses and the following boosters? Evidence please?
How much money was spent on jabbing healthy people when it wasn't necessary?  
Are refunds being paid to all those people who were prosecuted for sitting on a park bench, or for not covering their faces?
Will the new man made printed meat that is currently being worked on in Israel be on the menu at number 10?  
Can you guarantee that running an electric vehicle is always going to be cheaper than petrol and diesel? 
How many more boats are going to be brought in by Border Force after the handover from the French mid channel? Can you give us a number? 
When will all the newcomers into our country be allowed to work, and be eligible for paying income tax, so they can put back into the country what they took out when everything was handed to them on a plate? 
Do you think it's right that children are taught about anal sex and masturbation at school?  And read stories by scantily clad men dressed as women?
There are many more for sure, but that will do for now.
Happy Sunday. The rain has stopped. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Keep the questions coming Iona.
    Just one small correction - the latest party video was not held at No.10 but was an additional party held at Tory Headquarters.

    1. Small correction! Glad that error was corrected as there aren’t any other errors here

  2. There is no point asking the government. They aren't capable of telling the truth. They just back stab each other and do very little for the bigger issues. Don't think there is anyone worth voting for.


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