Saturday 24 June 2023

The Summer Fair.

A day on my feet in the hot sunshine. I was wilting. That's another Summer Fair done and dusted. Not as busy as previous years. People walking around and chatting, but not buying much. Spose they are having to cut down like everybody else. 
The refreshment tent had a steady stream of customers. 

Now I'm going to take Billy dog out. It's nearly 8pm and it has cooled down. 

Catch ya tomorrow, Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Ilona you look delightfull surrounded by all the lovley things you have created.your so talented.i think people are holding on to there penny's a bit now the show looked good it's always interesting to see the places you visitx

    1. I think people are becoming more conscious of their spending, which is a good thing.

  2. I would have loved to have visited your stall at the Summer Fair.Although it must have been hard work standing in that heat!!.Me and my Daughter visited Tutbury open gardens on Saturday.We had a lovely time but looked like two wilted daisies by 5 oclock,lol.I bought 2 jars of marmalade at the church stall and managed to break one when my small back pack fell off the back of the toilet door at Derby bus station as we were on our way home!.I did mutter a swear word under my breath,lol.x

    1. There are a lot of events going on at this time of year. Hopefully plenty to do over the summer.


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