Monday 17 July 2023

Another titter, but it's not funny.

The nudge unit is busy. Change the colours and change the perception. 
REVEALED: Sky News is working with pandemic nudge units to now push climate crisis propaganda. The climate fear porn seen across UK broadcasters is being orchestrated by the very same Behavioural Insights Team that nudged people into hiding behind their sofas during the pandemic - and Sky News is working with them to push it. Here's a 2021 pledge from Sky that "behaviour change on climate can be driven by TV." They boast: "Using behavioural science techniques, Sky and BIT set out ten new behavioural science principles to guide broadcasters on helping their viewers to take action.
Make your own mind up. Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. As I see it they intend to unnerve us repeatedly with anything and everything until we allow them to take control of our lives x

    1. That's about it, but then you have to ask why.

    2. I think they want to take over our homes , any savings we may have for " well meaning purposes " ! Whilst claiming we shall be so much better for it x.

  2. There's no such thing as 'climate change' in the way they claim. The climate has always changed and will continue to do so - that's just nature. Climate change is yet another excuse for the powers that be to have further control - climate lockdowns, social credit scores etc. Funny how the solution to the weather will be tighter control measures and taxes, isn't it?

    1. Thankfully a lot of people can see right through their plan. Another question needs to be asked. Is the current so called climate crisis something that is naturally occurring, or is it man made.

  3. I actually agree with you on this Ilona.

  4. I agree with you too.

    1. Thank you. Keep watching, and asking questions.

  5. Patty Mc So. Calif.17 July 2023 at 19:22

    I agree with you Ilona. Guess their way of thinking is to scare everyone into submission or the very least brain wash the younger generation. Then they'll have control in a generation or two. I remember the oil crisis in the 1970's. We could fill our car on even or odd days depending on our license plate number. It was preached the world would be completely out of oil by 2000. The US could be energy independent today if our government didn't cap the oil wells and pipeline. Those in office figure it's better to buy oil from Russia, Venezuela, or the middle east. Never mind those countries do terrible things to the environment and the US has all kinds of regulations that make it much cleaner to extract oil. It's all propaganda!! We and I'm sure other industrial nations go to great lengths to clean the environment and regulate everything. While Russia, China, India, and a lot of other countries pollute. We are definitely not perfect but there are huge polluters that do nothing. I wish people would wake up and investigate. Don't let the government dictate to you but research for yourself. Climate change............. I don't believe it. We have a water well and our main water level is 15 ft. down. Back in 1976 the level was 12 ft down. This was after record years of drought in Ca.. Hummm.....water is good but we're told the state of Ca. is going dry. (Our well was dug 200ft deep in 1976.) Ilona, we don't agree on everything but I truly respect your opinions because I know you've done your research.

    1. Thank you Patty for letting us know what is going on in the US. This is a world wide plan so information needs to be shared.

  6. The UK is a nation in steep decline, now one of the poorest among the developed European economies. Nobody cares what you think about climate change, or anything else. Oh, and good luck with the millions of climate migrants who will be landing on your shores in the years to some.

    1. I wonder which part of the world you come from, and where you get your information from.

  7. I care what you say ilona. The climate change is a load of rubbish as another means to control us, just like the covid. I will never again comply with vaccines and lockdowns. Whilst the government makes loads of cash and broke all the rules themselves. Tell them to get rid of their big homes and cars if their worried about the climate. Maybe then we will see them as role models.

  8. In my area all the banks have been shut in the town. This has been really stressful for the elderly that can't do online banking. Another tactic perhaps to go towards digital.

  9. People still don't see what's to come, it's right under their noses.


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