Monday 10 July 2023

Group walk at West Butterwick

I usually go to Crafty Club on a Monday morning, but it was a lovely sunny start to the day, so I went to West Butterwick to join the group walk. This was two groups together. The Ramblers, and Walking your way to Health. Rather than do the usual three mile walk, we did five miles. It was warm, with a gentle cooling breeze. 
These next two photo's were taken from a good distance away. You could hardly see the windmill with the naked eye, but the camera zoomed in and brought it closer. 

Using the camera as a telescope or a pair of binoculars means you can see far ahead to check details on road signs. 

The potato crops are looking well. 

The traffic was thundering past on the  nearby M180 Motorway. 

To do two jobs in one trip, I took plenty of money with me, and stopped off at the Retail Park to stock up with cat food at Home Bargains. 

Yesterday I made two more SoftPots. I'll make a video about that with all six pots together. 

Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Good morning Ilona!,I must say that you have given me the determination to do more walking again.I have lost the get up n go that I used to have.Maybe life has altered with my Mam and hubby getting older,needing me to put their needs first.......but I know that walking is good for my own mental health.Am I just making excuses,lol.Its good though that you made 2 trips into one by picking the cat food up at the same time.Although havent the prices of it gone up,compared to a few years back!.And my cats have got no interest in eating my home grown spuds,lol.Anyway Im looking forward to seeing your video of the SoftPots.xx

    1. There was a problem uploading the Softpots video. I will film it again with a different camera and see if that works.


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