Tuesday 11 July 2023

Simon says. . . . .

 Don't worry, I've sorted it. We have got 5,000 empty beds on hold which we are paying for, ready to move our guests into. Real nice places they are, all modern amenities, nicely decorated, and food provided. We keep them on standby because we will have to move people around when the Reception Centres become overloaded.  

Senior Home Office Civil Servant is confident that they can cope. 

We had to move people quickly from Manston when trouble flared up due to overcrowding. 

Keeping empty hotel beds available, costs a lot of money. About £500.000. 

We have got excess beds so we are ready for any future arrivals. 

Simon has got it sussed. He has plenty of experience at this sort of thing. 

Sigh of relief, no need to worry.

Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. 1711 migrants in 32 boats have ILLEGALLY crossed the channel in the last 5 days

    7th July 686 in 13 boats
    8th July 384 in 7 boats
    9th July 269 in 5 boats
    10th July 338 in 6 boats
    11th July 34 in 1 boat

  2. This country is the laughing stock of the world now.We have enough of our home grown scroungers without taking in a load more......and it aint going to stop!!!.

  3. All part of the big plan. The government isn't even trying to stop them.

  4. The government are actively encouraging them. They have more human rights than us, we have no say.

  5. Our Government will eventually see the folly of their ways. It's the sheer amount that is the problem.


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