Saturday 8 July 2023

I see hope

 I am feeling pretty good this morning. Maybe due to the fact I had an extra hour in bed. It's warm outside and there are jobs to be done out there. I wonder why I am feeling so chipper. It's because I am at peace with myself. 

Got me thinking about why people are going along with what they read and hear in the main stream media, and I am believing the opposite. They have been well and truly sucked into the promises of the Great Reset, and the Build Back Better mantra. They are happy to be confined to their prisons and not being able to move around, not being able to spend their own money on whatever they like. CBDC are  numbers on a page. Universal Credit, how much will they give me. When this comes in it is going to reduce the population to the status of robots. Freedom gone, and people are happy with that. 

There was an item on Radio 4 yesterday that frustrated me. I listened because I was in the car. By 2050 they want to reduce the carbon footprint to net zero. It was 2030, now they are moving it back, which makes me think they are floundering. Please be sure, they are not going to give in though. The cargo ships that cross oceans to make their deliveries are big polluters apparently. This has to be cut right back to meet targets, set by those with money. It will not make any difference to them, they will carry on with their lives as if nothing is happening. 

When I read about little pockets of truth seekers doing their thing, it gives me hope. There is still a chance that their plans will crumble to dust. Forget left and right, it's all about right and wrong. People need to meet somewhere in the middle. Let the haters hate and drive themselves to despair. Let the truth seekers flourish and multiply. There is a bridge that can be crossed, it's only a few steps to walk over it. 

I see hope in tweets like this. 

IT IS ALL A GAME! Organisations, Institutes & movements take moral issues and twist them into political issues in order to push & legalise agendas for change and personal gain. This is often done by framing the issue in a way that appeals to people's emotions and sense of morality, and by using language that suggests that there is a clear right and wrong side to the issue.

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The beginnings of this has just been implemented in France under article 3. Within 2 years, it will be rolling out everywhere. They already have the ability, they just need a justifiable excuse! Be aware & be informed!

Enjoy your Saturday. Catch you later with a video. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. If you were in the US, you’d be a tRump supporter and a member of his uneducated cult…talk about blindly following what you hear….

    1. I suppose you believe the cult of Big Pharma, Big Technocrats, of Blackrock, of Gates, of WEF. You are very confused.

    2. People need to look at the definition of conspiracy theorists.

  2. For me, there can be no meeting of the minds on these issues. Yet, I remain hopeful. Thank you for voicing your views. They always help me to consolidate my thoughts.

    1. I fear you might be right. People will not come together. Maybe I am dreaming, but I cannot give up on hope. Read up all you can, and get on with your own life.

  3. I don’t think it is fair to say that Ilona blindly follows what she hears. She has read a lot on the subject. You probably didn’t follow the pages she called research.

    1. I have reinstalled the Linkys pages. It would be interesting to click on a few to see how many have come true.

  4. More good news, which gives me hope. The Dutch prime Minister hands in his resignation as the Government collapses over migration.

  5. I just can’t see big companies such as shipping, petroleum etc going along with all this as it’s them who it will affect and if ‘they’ do get this world they want who are they going to fight with then? Billionaire against billionaire to see how much they can screw out of each other? That may be worth watching 🙂

    1. That sounds like an interesting James Bond film. The battle of the giants. Greed has no boundaries.

  6. Hi Ilona, interesting how the cargo ship emissions are being targeted but not the cruise ship industry, they are polluting ships too, guess that would upset all those who love to make those cruise corporations richer, as you say, follow the money, have a nice day, regards Elizabeth from Australia

    1. They are cherry picking. Who can they hit the hardest with sanctions, without it affecting their luxurious lifestyle. Maybe the de commissioned cargo ships can be refurbished to a good standard and become temporary housing for those moving around the world looking for a better life. Just a thought.

  7. You're so right ilona, they want to divide us all, encouraging mass immigration, destroying our culture, taking away our freedoms and liberty, with banks not even allowing people to take their own money. Destroying the economy and culture. I believe this is all part of there plan to divide and conquer. Not to mention, the corruption of our government during the pandemic, that isolated vulnerable people whilst they all broke the laws themselves.

  8. I couldn't agree more. This is happening in such subtle ways that people aren't able to see this for themselves. Not to mention the food scarcity when they get rid of the Dutch farmers.

    1. I think the Dutch Farmers have had a reprieve for now. The prime Minister has thrown in the towel, so they will have to elect a new Government.


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