Monday 3 July 2023

Quick post

Good morning. Two pigeons canoodling on my lawn. They were at it for ages, preening each other. 
Mayze cat watching them at close range. She never chases birds. 

Very tiny memory card for the new camera. To transfer pictures from this I first put it into a bigger memory card pocket, which goes into a reader, and then gets plugged into the computer. I have to charge the battery in the new camera, by plugging it into a USB port. Got to work out how to do that now.  

Picture finished. I think. Nothing more to be done. Red French Knots added. 

Now going to Crafty Club. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. Thats a great photo of the pigeons!.I love watching the birds in my garden.Although a while back,I saw two .....err getting very passionate,lol.....and after he had had his wicked way with her,he just flew off without even a peck on the cheek!.She stood there looking a bit confused as if she was wondering...was it something I said??.Bless her!.I must say that I wouldnt have a clue what to do with a new camera these days.Its only in the last few years that I have learnt how to take a picture on my phone and even then I seem to take loads of photos of the same thing,lol.xx


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