Sunday 2 July 2023

Pie in the sky

 An email has arrived from a common sense reader. I value these because they let me know that there are others out there who are not consumed with hate and malice. 

Hi Ilona,

Just read your latest post. Looks like a great day out. I am excited for you to you use your new camera. I miss being able to comment and the community that was with your blog. I don’t understand why people have to be so rude. Thank you for taking us along on your lovely daily life.

Best wishes 

Within an hour of opening the comments, they, the people with little or no common sense, who fail to see the bigger picture because they have their heads buried deep into the science, which by the way changes on a daily basis, come circling their prey like vultures ready to pick the bones of humanity. 

Sad but that's how it is. 

It is human nature not to get on with those of a different species. Humans are animals like all the other living creatures. Crocodiles will never live in peace and harmony with antelopes, one will eat the other. Buzzards will never live in harmony with rabbits, they too will attack and consume the other. And so it goes on down the chain. Humans are not exempt from the law of nature and the law of the jungle. 

We know this because some animals are hunted to extinction. Forcing people to live in harmony will never happen. The Globalists dream is pie in the sky. Wars usually sort out who will live and who will wither and die. Psychological wars, which is what we are in at the moment, are just as devastating as attacking someone with a gun or a sword. Physical conflicts easily escalate, as do mental conflicts. 

Somewhere along the way, money always comes into it. Those with the most always want more, they try and squash the little people. The drug pushers, and I don't mean men in black who service the hopelessly addicted living on the streets, need more customers. They are just the mules who work for the big boys higher up. 

Without going too far off topic, the nasty comments being bandied about everywhere, are fanning the flames of conflict. Here I go again, stating the bleeding obvious. Many people will not get it. 

Have a nice Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. John has an ugly troll on his blog again this evening Ilona also x

    1. Oh dear, I have missed the fun. He will have his work cut out when he qualifies and starts work as a counsellor. There are lots of people who are a bit confused about what their role in life is.
      I have deleted the troll comments on this post. John has more patience than I have.

  2. What are you actually attempting to say here? I’m confused. Are you suggesting that people of different ethnic backgrounds shouldn’t live together ?

    1. I didn't say that. I don't tell people what they should or shouldn't do. Everyone can make their own minds up.

      Personal choice is about how you feel about certain aspects of day to day living and life in general. It's about which personalities you get on with, and which you don't. You can't force people to like each other if they don't.

      I choose to live in a village because that's what I know. I was brought up in a village, I like space around me. I could not live in a high rise, I would rather live in a caravan in a field.

      You are attempting to play the racist card. It would be nice if everyone could live together in harmony, but they can't. What goes on in a persons heart and in their head is far more important than the colour of their skin or their ethnicity.

  3. I'm very surprised to be reading something like this on your blog. I think you'll be losing readers.

    1. Life moves on, nothing stays the same forever. People can choose whether they stay or go.


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