Friday 18 August 2023

Another Weekend Watching.

An Ivor Cummins interview, with James Delingpole. With this video, you don't have to watch it, you could be getting on with some stitching or knitting, and just listen. 
I'm passing this on because I get a lot of questions from people who genuinely want answers on what is going on. Even though I have been watching, listening, and learning for a long time, I still don't know everything. Nor do I have the time to get into long conversations, this is why I delete a lot of comments. 
Everyone with a computer has access to the same information as I do. People can chose to explore their curiosity, or they can carry on with their day to day activities and ignore everything that is unfolding. 
What is happening now, goes back years. Ivor Cummins digs deep, it's what he does. He has studied the history of the Rockefeller Foundation, which is just one small cog in the wheel of pushing this agenda. Find out what their strategy is for the next pandemic.  
Anyway, I'll leave it with you. I'm going to watch the rest of this video. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I did some research about the 'j*bs' and decided not to take up the offer: I am pleased I did not accept. Since then, after many articles and watching media (NOT the BBC I hasten to add), I realise that David I was right about most of the things he said 30 years ago. As a nearly pensioner age I truly worry about the generations behind me; we all have to fight for our freedom of speech, money in cash form, and other liberties. I went to the garage today to get some fuel, the ridiculous 'self service' till was not working so a human (who was stacking the shelves) had to come and assist us in the queue - and some people think that this is progress?

    1. The killing off of human to human contact and replacing it with robots controlled by the few, will see the demise of the planet. I remember visiting theme parks in the USA about 20 years ago. Sitting in a virtual wrap around cinema, and flying through the air in a virtual spacecraft, ducking and diving in between the sky scrapers. I thought it was thrilling. Now I can see that's where technology is taking us, and it's scary.

  2. I listened to this. Trying to scare us with threats of “Totalitarianism”. Why ?

    1. If you are the type of person who is easily scared you might be better off closing your eyes and ears to the truth. Go along with the propaganda offered up by the main stream media, and you will be happy. Like Klaus Schwab says, 'You will own nothing and be happy'. I would rather hang on to what I have got, and to do that I will educate myself and be prepared. What is happening is real, it's not a threat. One world, one government, one religion, and one currency, (CBDC).

  3. Thankyou. Lots to think about.

  4. I believe that they have uncovered what is happening - There is no mistaking the deterioration of various aspects of life now - Too many to be coincidences x

    1. When you have your eyes and ears open, everything becomes much clearer. The erosion of our freedoms are very much part of the build back better and the great reset mantra. But first they have to destroy.

  5. One world, one government ,one religion , one currency”
    Not possible. Nothing to worry about because it will never happen. Saying it will
    Is just more fake news

  6. Thank you for sharing this interview, Ilona. I had never heard of Ivor before, and this interview was excellent I will now add his channel to my list! 👍

    1. Every so often a gem of an interview pops up and makes perfect sense. When you look into it, it's so obvious what is going on.

  7. Thank you Ilona, I just cannot believe that some people just don't see what is going on!!! What the hell has happened to people today?

    1. Well something has happened. I can remember a time when people weren't so angry. There is an official agenda and people are being steered in one direction.

  8. There is no official agenda and we are not being steered into one direction.

    1. Ok, if you say so, but I don't agree with you. Can I suggest you write your own blog.


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