Wednesday 9 August 2023


 I watched a film last night. Don't normally watch films because they are too long. I can watch an hour long documentary if it's a subject I am interested in, and I can watch an hour long interview if the person being interviewed has a good story to tell. It was late when I started watching the film. I thought I might watch half of it, and finish watching it tomorrow (today).

As it was I didn't feel particularly tired so carried on watching it till the end. I have seen it several times before so I knew the story. I listened out for one line that sticks in my mind and makes me laugh out loud. 'After four years it doesn't get any worse'. Some of you might remember that line. The film was from 1975. John Hurt plays Quentin Crisp, in The Naked Civil Servant. I enjoyed watching it again last night. 

Quentin was living with his boyfriend in a small apartment. The boyfriend complained that the place was very dusty. I love Quentin's logic. It's true, it doesn't. 😆

If you want to watch it, here is the link. 

Sunny day today. Coffee morning, chat with friend, and hedge cutting. Always something to do in the garden. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I've not watched that film for years, I'll have to remedy that to see how it's aged. I love that he didn't dust, I don't always keep up with it as much as I should and as long as no one touches anything or moves any books you really can't tell. :-)

  2. Yes,this is true....infact I can say that 5 years doesnt make any difference either!.Cobwebs can be used for Halloween,maybe putting a plastic spider in with them.....or maybe there is one already living there.Bonus!!.Dust keeps us warm in the Winter too.Yes,I am all for this!!xx


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