Wednesday 2 August 2023

Not excited

 Why don't I feel excited about this? More destruction of our green and pleasant land. Have they finished the HS2 project yet, or has that been abandoned. Now they want to pour more money down the drain. 

The Peak District is a National Park, enjoyed by visitors from all over the world. Now they want to turn it into some kind of tacky concrete Disney World. It sounds horrific. The sooner the financial crash happens the better. Just stop trivial spending. Look after the infrastructure we already have. Stop the greedy drug pushers destroying people's lives, get homeless people off the streets, and put money into the NHS. Oh and build more prisons if you have any spare cash, because the crime rate is sure to go up. 

I do wonder where the politicians get their brains from. Wait a minute, they are delivered in the form of a massive pay packet. 

Raining here. Where is the sun?

Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. There will be soon no green n pleasant land here in the UK.Until 5 years ago,there were fields at the top of my street.Now it is one big housing estate with more plans set to build even more houses,flats ect.Every bit of green belt is now being built on with the villages merging into each other.I do like the idea of more prisons though!.Watch the crime rate go down then because as it stands,there is no punishment for the scum that think its ok to make life unbearable for us ordinary folk.Maybe a few years locked up would make them thing twice.xx


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