Thursday 3 August 2023

When help is needed.

 A story. The first part of it you may have heard before, it now has a sequel. When I was in my late fifties I went part time in my job because I wasn't enjoying it very much. Making the most of my time and enjoying what I do has always been important to me. Driving has always been my hobby and being paid for it was a bonus. I decided I could manage on less money so I cut my working hours. 

About that time I was doing a bit of dog walking for people in the village. They gave me a couple of quid here and there, and I was managing quite well on that little extra. I joked all the time about not being able to afford things, and buying yellow stickers to survive. It was no hardship for me, I looked on it as a challenge.

I was walking Ben, a gorgeous German Shepherd. His owner worked full time so I took him out most days. The owner, who I shall name Flo, became a good friend. She had a friend called Ava, who also became my friend. 

One day I found a carrier bag full of groceries at the house when I went for Ben. It had my name on it. Ava had left it for me, because she is a kind lady and wanted to help. I was shocked and embarrassed that anyone would think I was destitute and needed a food parcel. After all, I deliberately made myself skint. If anyone was going to help me, it was going to be me. I take full responsibility for living my life how I see fit. I knew that in a few months time, when my bank balance was at rock bottom, that the State Pension was going to kick in, and I would be able to pull myself back up again. 

I almost refused to take the bag of groceries home, but had second thoughts. Ava had been kind enough to go shopping and put it all together. I couldn't hurt her feelings by refusing it. I thanked her and the incident was forgotten. 

Fast forward 14 and half years. Ava had to leave her house, and the village, and move to her daughters house about a year ago, which is about twelve miles away. She was diagnosed with cancer and couldn't  go through the treatment without the support of her daughter. Ava's house has been sold so she will stay with her daughter. 

Yesterday Ava came to the Coffee Morning. She doesn't drive and relies on her daughter for transport. I haven't seen her for a long time. She was always very loud and sometimes her raucous laughter was a bit too much for my ears. Thankfully the treatment has worked and she has had the all clear. It was a delight to see her back to her old self. As raucous as ever, enjoying the company. Back in the village among friends for a couple of hours. 

I reminded her about the food parcel, of which she had forgotten. I have always been reluctant to accept any help. I still don't expect people to help me, being the stoic person that I am. I will always manage. Except when Janet helps out with feeding my cats. The cats come first. 

I don't want to put anyone in the position of being embarrassed like I was, by offering gifts. I am no longer skint so I can now put back into society. My mission now is to help where I can with donations, money or gifts, preferably anonymously. If it puts a smile on someone's face then that is my reward. It's enough. 

Thank you for popping in. Toodle pip.   With love, ilona 


  1. It's 'paying it forward' in the best way isn't it. When we are offered help we should always try to accept it graciously or at least refuse very politely, and then in the future when we are in the position to be able to offer that help to others it comes full circle. A helping hand, a compliment paid, anything that makes someone's day is like a treasure being offered up.

  2. Trump on new charges, Hancock's harasser convicted.. you must be unhappy right now lol

  3. Hi Ilona, I remember meeting you years ago. I was in Tewkesbury with a friend who originally came from East Halton and we got talking. You were on your way back from a holiday and had a little dog with you. We had a good chat, mostly about cats. Our cat is still going strong and is almost nineteen years. Best wishes A

    1. Hello, and thank you for reminding me. Yes, Tewkesbury, a lovely place. We were camping in Devon. Rocky loved it, sadly no longer here. Your pussy is doing well, Should reach 20 with a lot of love from you.


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