Wednesday 30 August 2023

Not a winner.

Numbers were a bit thin on the ground at the Coffee Morning today. Illness and holidays were the reasons why people did not come. Some sent their apologies. Nevertheless we had a good laugh.
As it's the last Wednesday of the month, they always finish the session with a raffle, and a game of Bingo. I don't normally join in with this, because I don't want to win anything, but today I decided to stay for it. £1 for the raffle tickets, and £1 for two games of Bingo. Coffee and cake is £2.50, and very nice coffee it is too.   
Waiting for numbers to be called out I think is a bit boring. I might have been excited to win something years ago, but I have never been competitive, and I don't mind if I don't win. 
Four numbers short on the Bingo tickets, twice, and my numbers were not picked for the raffle prizes. I am glad that they are keeping this going. As we move into Autumn and Winter it will be nice to meet in a warm place, with friends, on a Wednesday morning.
Hedgehog news. Four came last night, all together. They look to be pretty big now. I don't know where they are sleeping but as soon as the food comes out they appear. Must have a good sense of smell. 
There is a dog waiting for me to take him for a walk, so I'll say Toodle pip. Catch ya later.   ilona 

1 comment:

  1. How lucky you are having the hedgehogs come into your garden.I never see any where I live now but I think that is due to all the fields that used to be around here being made into new housing estates.I had a go on the raffle at the veg show I went to on Saturday,£1 for 3 tickets...and won the star prize!.A bottle of Whitleys vanilla vodka.I always seem to be lucky on the raffles in Tutbury cause at the last Christmas market I won a cream tea for 2 at a lovely place in the village High next time Im there I am going to buy a lottery ticket! I agree with you that bingo is a bit boring but if your there you might as well play.Well it is a cool n crisp morning here in Leicester.Autumn is on its way! Sorry I forgot to put at the start of my comment,this is Debi from Leicester.xx


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