Thursday 31 August 2023


I am cutting up a pile of teeshirt scraps into smaller pieces to make a peg rug. To make the job less boring I watch videos. There is much more information to come out about the Maui wildfire tragedy, but the main stream media are slow on the uptake. They hold back, because to say the wrong thing might bring about multi lawsuits against the perpetrators of such crimes. They are looking after themselves, and will never disclose information which may result in them losing their sources of funding from those who pay them. You don't bite the hand that feeds you. 
Glenn Beck from Blaze TV however, is not tied to any such restrictions. He can say what he sees to be true, based on real facts. He doesn't have to make things up. There are millions of people coming forward with their own personal stories of what happened at Maui, in the time leading up to the fire, during the fire, and what has been going on since the fire. 
People on the ground have no reason to make it up. The warning sirens were not used, the Government turned the water supply off, and the road out of Mauri was blocked by the police. People were forced to endure that hell hole, with no escape. 
Now, the survivors are not being allowed back onto the site until they produce documented evidence that they own their house and land. Something off about that. 
Watch Glenn's video. You will either be consumed with sadness for the lost lives, a lot of children died, or hopping mad that there is a massive cover up. Read the comments for verification of what Glenn is reporting. 
Another weekend is almost upon us. I hope you have something nice planned. A treat, an outing maybe, a family meet up perhaps. Value every day.
Lots of love.   ilona 

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