Sunday 6 August 2023

What's going on at the park

I don't usually come to the park during the summer, because it's always busy, as it was today. The nice weather brought everyone out. I was only planning on having a couple of hours there, but it turned into four. There is a lot for families to do. The kids were loving the Go Ape in the woods. The flower beds in front of the toilets looked fabulous. 
The Victorian Walled Garden looked well cared for. 

Had to have an ice cream, didn't I. Magnum have some new flavours. This is a coconut flavour with mango and passionfruit. Deeeelishus. 
The veg beds looked well stocked. Giant size onions. 

The flowers next to the pond were nice. 

At 2 o clock the band entertained the visitors at the front of the house. Pity I didn't take a chair and a picnic. I didn't know they were booked to play. There are more bands to come in August. Details here. 

The train went trundling by. 

I had a look inside the hall. Didn't need to, I have seen it all before. Look at this fantastic yarn bombed chair. 

I went to see the Museum. Hadn't been in before as it was always closed when I went. It was fascinating and I took lots of photo's. I will put them on another post, as it's getting late now. I want to go back and make a video there in the next few days. Here is a gallery of photo's from the web site. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Yarn bombing fascinates me. As a knitter it's always great to see other peoples work

    1. It must have taken a long time to cover the whole chair with wool. Some of the ideas that people come up with are amazing.

  2. Hello Ilona ... that yarn bombed chair looks amazing!!! Everything in the Park looks so pretty in full bloom. We are in mid winter here & its rather non-bloomy. I think I would've really enjoyed sitting in a chair & listening to the Band playing too. Thank you for your visit to my blog & your kind comment. 😊

    1. Hello Julie. Please don't remind me that winter is coming ;o( Thank you for reading my blog.

  3. That chair really is lovely.It wouldnt be no good in my house though because it would have a couple of cats laid on it,lol.It does look a very nice place to visit and what a bonus to have a band playing as well.xx

    1. I wouldn't know where to start to decorate any piece of furniture with wool. It must take a lot of planning.

  4. That chair looks brilliant ... are you tempted to cover one of yours in a similar crafty fashion?

    1. I have two old chairs which would have suited that makeover. Alas, I painted them and made new seat covers, and they look very nice. A chair does seem like a big project, perhaps I could look for something smaller to cover.

  5. Nice pics! Those yellow flowers with a butterfly could be your next needlework project?


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