Sunday 6 August 2023

Shopping chat outdoors

I put this video out on Friday on yooootooob. Might as well put it here to fill this gap.  
Looking sunny outside. YAY. Quick brekkie then out for a walk. 
Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip. 


  1. Hi ilona, Sorry you are having a bit of a time with nasty comments. Be sure there are far far more people who enjoy reading your blog than those brainless people who enjoy trying to upset you. love Caz. [ in Derby]

    1. Hello Caz. They don't upset me. I feel sad that they are obsessed by coming here every day just to make nasty comments. They should be making a good life for themselves.

  2. I'm doing lots of extra walking right now, my husband is poorly in hospital. The at the other end of town, about 2 miles away. I can't drive and buses are very hit and miss. So it's a four mile round trip. But he is worth every step. I've done this now for a month and he still has to stay in, mental health issues. I am 70 now but consider myself fit, apart from knee pain and asthma. He is 13 years younger than me. My joke is...that's what you get for marrying your you boy. But we have been together for 30 years so I don't regret a minute!

    1. Good for you. Two miles each way is doable, and you can be sure it is doing you a lot of good. I hope hubby makes a good recovery.

  3. I enjoyed seeing your walk Ilona - When I'm walking I feel a sense of happiness, freedom and relaxation - Those nasty pieces of work just hate to see someone who is happy in their life - because they're miserable and jealous of others - Shame for them x

    1. As long as we are enjoying ourselves, flis. You carry on doing what you like to do, and so will I.

  4. I miss walking. Have an achilles rupture and am restricted to what I can do

    1. That's a shame. Have you got a mobility scooter? There is a lady up my street who has one with a plastic cover. She can go out in the rain. She is always out and about on it.

  5. I agree with what you say about Sainsburys.It is expensive so thats why I dont shop there anymore.Tesco doesnt get much custom from me these days either because I dont like the way that to get something at normal price you have to have a card....although I have had a card for about 20 years now,lol.But I think that its just so they can sell your name,address and telephone details to others...who then ring you up,trying to scam money out of you.Like the ones Ive had telling me Ive won 50 quids worth of Tesco vouchers and a free holiday,to any where in the world!!.I can take all my Family,friends,next door and their relatives and any enemies I might want to bond with...the list is endless!!.And all they want is my bank details,lol....Anyway,Im glad that the poor unhinged trolls aint getting you down,bless em,lol and thank you for the great video!xx

    1. Hello Debi. Stay under the radar. Reject their requests to pull you in.

  6. Hi Ilona, there are thousands of us that read and enjoy your blog who never comment. Just know we’re all out here x

    1. Thank you. Your comment lifts my spirits. It's nice to know.

  7. Sorry missed my name off the last comment x

    1. Hello Patricia. It's nice to have a name.


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