Sunday 28 January 2024

One Life

I went to see this film yesterday. I had read reports of it but didn't rush there. I prefer to wait until most people had seen it, then I can sit in an almost empty cinema. I smile when the lad at the pay desk asks me which seat I would like. I say any, not too close to other people. I like space, not crowds. He said I am the same. I ignored the seat number on the ticket and sat where I thought was the best place for me. I paid £9, which was £3 more than if I had booked online. I am happy with that. No one needs to know that I am going to the cinema. 
I watched the adverts, and the trailers for future films, and spotted one which I might look out for. I took my own chocolate and drink. 
My verdict on the film, excellent acting. I love Anthony Hopkins, he can do no wrong in my eyes. I love the way it flowed seamlessly from the young Winton to the present day Winton. It held my attention throughout. There were several instances where tears were shed, dab nose and eyes with a tissue. The story is an inspiration to those can see an injustice happening and decide to do something about it. 
We are near the end of the month. There will be a post for the walkers to check in with their miles, on the 1st of February. Four more days left, will you make the 84 mile target? 
Tatty byes for now. Have a great Sunday.  Toodle pip.   ilona   

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