Thursday 29 February 2024

Colourful fun

Don't know who to credit with this, it's AI generated. There are lots of similar floating around on the internet. I think it's wonderful
Ilona. 29.2.2024

Nope, not now, not ever.

Older U.S. adults should roll up their sleeves for another COVID-19 shot, even if they got a booster in the fall, an influential government advisory panel said Wednesday.

The panel voted 11-1 to say Americans 65 and older should get another dose of the updated vaccine that became available in September — if at least four months has passed since their last shot.

Older US adults should get another COVID-19 shot, advisers say

They keep pushing it. Once again I say, I am not taking part. You dear reader must do what's best for yourselves. All the information is out there for you to make an informed choice. 
Lots of love. Toodle pip. ilona. xxx

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Yarn bombing in Brigg

Such a lot of work has gone into decorating the town of Brigg. It all looks quite amazing. Many hours of crochet and knitting. It must have taken almost a year, and hundreds of yards of wool to create this display of loveliness. Brigg is a market town with lots of small independent shops. This is a pedestrian bridge over the river. 

The bandstand looks amazing. 

A hanging basket at the sewing shop. I went inside to chat to my friend Sue who works as a seamstress there. 

You've seen the pictures, now watch the movie. 
I treated myself to a portion of chips and a small pot of mushy peas and was quite shocked at the price. £4.10p. Good job I only do this once a year. I have lost touch with how much it costs to eat out. Mind you there was quite a lot of chips. I ate a few of them sat in my car before I went home. Then microwaved a few more for my dinner last night. I had more chips for breakfast this morning, and again for lunch, and added some to my dinner tonight. I still have some left for breakfast tomorrow. 
Nearly time to go to bed. I'm chilling with a glass of wine. Thanks for popping in.
Toodle pip.   ilona

Cakes in Brigg

Good morning my little Bloggerettes. There is a fun display of yarn bombing at the moment, in Brigg town centre. I went yesterday. Here is a taster, yum. 
Photo's and a video to come. Now I have to wash my hair and get ready for Coffee Morning. It's gone 9am and as usual I shall be late. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Lovely weather

A memory from six years ago. 
What I woke up to this morning. 
View from the back living room window. I hang CD's to stop the birds crashing into it. 
View from Mayze's window. 

Hoooray, the hedgehogs are back. This photo is from last year. I put cat food out last night, it's close to the back window so I can shine a light onto it to check if they are about. YESSSSSS, a hedgehog almost cleared the saucer and was having a drink of water. The first sighting of the year. I refilled the saucer before I went to bed, in case any more came. This morning there are several little splodges of poo, they must have had a party. I can see I will have to stock up on Purina One dry kitten food, the one in the pink bag. They love it. 
Today the Post Office comes to the church. I want to get an art project finished so I can move on to the next one. I will go for a walk later. We are approaching the end of the month. The target is 168 miles for the two months. I should just make it, fingers crossed. 
Thanks for popping in. Spread love not hate. Toodle pip.   ilona

PS. New post added to the rabbit hole. 

Monday 26 February 2024

Three Lincolnshire churches

Twas a lovely sunny day when I went for a drive in the Lincolnshire countryside. Destination Bransby Horses, but let's have a look at the villages along the way. Through Scunthorpe, through Scotter, and turn left at Blyton. First stop, Springthorpe. The Church of St Lawrence and St George. As I was taking photographs a cyclist stopped and got his camera out. We had a very pleasant chat about our interests of cycling and walking. 
Check out Wiki for more information on Springthorpe.  Here is some information about the church. 

The next stop was Heapham. This is All Saints Church. Just as I arrived the key holder of the church turned up, so I was able to look inside. It stands alone in a field away from the road, down a grassy track. Check this web site for the church history. 

The warden gave me a leaflet. I photographed it and left it there. She was very keen to tell me all about the church. 

There is a huge tree stump not far from the front entrance. They had to chop the tree down because it was in danger of getting blown down and causing damage. 
On the way back from Bransby I stopped at Stow in Lindsey to have a look at St Mary's Minster Church. It is very big for such a small village. I was lucky to find it open. 

Check out the Wiki page for info on this church. 

I love bimbling around villages. Can't resist stopping and having a look. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

Sunday 25 February 2024

A visit to Bransby Horses.

Bransby Horses has 298 equines in their care. These include horses, ponies, and donkeys. It was a lovely sunny day when I visited yesterday. I arrived a bit late, they close at 4pm so I only had an hour there. 

Let me show you around. 

Bransby is near Saxilby, between Lincoln and Gainsborough. There has been a lot of flooding in that area and they had to move a lot of the horses to higher ground. There is plenty to do there for families. A playground for the children. A restaurant/cafeteria with full meals and snacks. There is a gift shop, a book shop, and a charity shop which also stocks everything you need if you keep horses. You can walk around the fields on hard standing footpaths, and there are plenty of benches to sit down for a rest. Take a picnic if you like and make a day of it. 
Here is a link to their web site.  
I stopped off at a couple of villages on the way there, and another one on the way back. I'll put the photo's and a video, on here tomorrow.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona