Friday, 22 November 2024

1000 clicks later

 Good evening. After much blood, sweat, and tears this morning on the computer, I had to get out of the house and go for a walk. I caught the 13.09 bus to town. It was a bit late. The plan was to walk back, so there wasn't time to dillydally about before it started getting dark. 

There was a woman on the bus with a face mask on. I had to chuckle. She had folded it in half lengthways, hooked the elastics around her ears, and it just covered her nose. She was able to have a conversation with a friend. I assume she did that because she wanted to keep her nose warm. What a good idea. My nose is constantly cold and wet, even in the summer. I might try that trick. 

It took me just over two hours to cover the five and a half miles home. 

Anyway, back on the computer tonight to try and sort the commenting problem out. I have sort of cracked it with the help of Rachel, and checking out some blogger videos on yootoob. I have installed Chrome, goodness knows how I did that. After 1000 clicks of the mouse I can comment on my blog, but have to put my name in the drop down box. I will try and sign into my goooogle account later. Signing in and checking notes for the passwords I have used is a nightmare. 

I recorded a video this afternoon, so let's see how that goes when I come to upload it onto yoootooob tomorrow. 

Now it's chill time. I am wearing my oversize hoodie, and I must say, I am very warm. 

Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. So glad you have gotten things figured out. Such a pain when things are working fine a someone decides to change it because it will be “better” 🙄
    I love the oversized hoodie, looks like you will be very snug and warm this winter. Keep on keeping on mother!!!!! We are with you all the way!

    1. Thank you Tammy. There seems to be a million and one ways of organising things on a computer. The filing system for my pictures is rubbish. I can't find the ones I want to use again.

  2. Glad that you’ve had some help to sort the computer problems out. I absolutely hate technology.

    1. Yes, I do too. I long for the old fashioned ways. Penfriends were easy. Send a letter, receive a letter, or pick up the phone.

  3. Hello from Maryland! Thought I'd suggest a Fyi: get a cheap address book and fill it with the website and web address, your username and password. With an address book you can do this alphabetically. Even add a note or two explaining what the website is for in case you don't use it much and may forget (that's my excuse anyway). Been doing this for a couple of decades now and it DOES make life easier. Wish my father had done it when I told him about it a few years ago because after he had passed it was a nightmare going through the post-it notes and cardboard pieces he had jammed around his computer (he did his bill paying and banking online).

    1. Hello Maryland person. That does sound like a lot of extra work. I remember years ago we were told we shouldn't use the same password for multiple accounts, and should have several email addresses for different tasks. I kept notes in a book, I have passwords from years ago, and email addresses which no longer exist. Then there was a thing that you had a different user name for different forums. All I want is one email address, one user name, and one password. This is why I don't do internet banking. I would be in a right mess with it. When I die, everything will just stop.

  4. Martin Lewis said once that it's best to list passwords in a book. He said it's unlikely that anyone would break into your house to find your passwords but if hackers get into your computer/phone/laptop they could find them if you keep them there. HTH
    Sally from Devon

    1. The whole computer/digital thing is a nightmare. You either crack the code or you get left behind. Martin is a good egg. Thank you Sally.


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