Thursday, 21 November 2024

Cuddle a hoodie

Good evening. I am feeling the cold more now that I am getting on in years. Today I coloured my roots, and had a soak in the bath. Not at the same time. Hair first, bath after. ๐Ÿ˜† The cats don't want to go outside, so the litter boxes are getting well used. ๐Ÿ˜บThe hedgehog is still coming nightly. I wonder when it is going to hibernate. 
I knocked up this video this morning. I spent a bit of cash yesterday at Go Outdoors on an oversized hoodie which is massive. 
Thanks for your comments, MrsLumpy and Haven't got one. I think the house will be restored. Hello to Anon who I met in Barton a few weeks back. That year has soon gone. Best wishes to you and your kitties. 
I see that Two tier Kier is hobnobbing with the rich folks. He said, 'I'm determined to deliver growth, create wealth, and put more money in people's pockets. This can only be achieved by working in partnership with leading businesses, like BlackRock, to capitalise on the UK's position as a world leading hub for investment.' There you go, he works for BlackRock. He doesn't give a toss about you or me, or the farmers that grow our food. 
Just for the record, I understand Rachels reasoning on why she feels she might stop blogging. It has crossed my mind at times. I ask myself why don't I just give up and opt for an easy life. Why am I providing fodder for the trolls to sling mud at me. Finding a balance between writing about the injustices going on in the world, or ignoring it and getting on with my life, is no contest. When I see something is wrong I have to speak up. I will take the punches, because to do nothing is a waste of a life. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona.  


  1. I appreciate your comments even when we don’t entirely agree. That’s how we learn and grow. Listen to everyone! My heart goes out to the farmers. Shame on the politicians for what they are doing to them. Lynn, Pecos, NM USA

    1. Thank you for your comment, Lynn.

  2. Hear hear, my friend.

  3. Marlane here ( I still can not get my google profile to work arrgh) anyway I also am like you I speak up. To my folly recently, when I got trashed by my step grand kids and step daughter. Then my own sister got in on it who bears a grudge. It was me being appalled after the election here in the USA. They all repeated blatant media lies about Trump. ( this was via instagram and face book) I was not expecting to be told that I had no education, no life, was teaching my daughter and grand daughter that sexual abuse was ok and that I depended on men, and more !! Well they have now been disinherited !!

    1. Hello Marlane. I need to sign on to my google account, but for now I will put my name in the drop down box.
      You have to stay true to yourself, even if others get annoyed when you don't agree with them. My family never contact me.

  4. I invested in some thermal base layers a few years ago abs picked up a down jacket in a charity shop. They really make a difference.
    I hope Rachel doesn’t stop blogging as I enjoy her blog and she has some interesting things to say.

    1. Rachel will continue to post on her blog, but in her own time. Sometimes the pressure gets a bit too much when you are constantly worn down with negativity.


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