Well howdy pardners. How y'all doing. Here in this little old corner of northern England the sun has been making an effort to put in an appearance. It was sunny first thing, but a few clouds drifted over and turned it hazy.
The temperature dropped a little so I put a big jacket on to do the two dog walks. Little Billy first, always raring to go. He charges around the garden even before we go out of the gate. He cannot contain his joy at going for a walkies. He poo'd three times, I always have the bags with me. Followed on by Rocky dog afterwards. He takes it steady, and is laid back. Likes a good sniff around. A bigger dog that produced two massive poo's.
I recorded this video on the walk yesterday.
I have an appointment to view The Old Rectory, and take some photo's. I mentioned it a couple of days ago. Something exciting to look forward to.
The heating is going on a bit more often now, and the cats are coming inside. I have put an extra layer on. Winter is here.
Nothing much else to add. I am still posting on the Rabbit Hole when I see something of interest. Always something new happening. I see UK Column News has been pulled off yoootooob. Don't know if that is temporary or permanent.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona
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