Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Frazzled brain

 Good evening. Those who like my photographs will be pleased to know that I have spent the afternoon receiving computer tuition from a friends husband. He talked, I listened, and I learnt quite a lot that I didn't know before. I have been blindly stumbling around hoping it all comes right in the end. That technique is all well and good until you find yourself up the creek without a paddle. 

The way I was uploading photo's and videos worked perfectly well for the last few years, but when a rogue message comes up on the screen I was baffled. But fear not, I now know a different way to perform the tasks. It's like driving from A to B. Pick a route and stick with what you are familiar with, passing the recognisable landmarks along the way. Now I am going down a different route that I am not familiar with, so I am learning new tricks. All I have to do is remember what Philip told me, and practice. I may be a bit slow at first but it will come easier as time goes on. 

Here are three new photo's I have uploaded all by myself. The art project is finished. A friend has claimed it and I will let her have it for a donation to the cat rescue. 

I need to go out for a late walk to rest my frazzled brain.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Wonderful!!!! Glad you are able to get to your photos now!!!

  2. It’s beautiful! Lynn, Pecos, NM USA

  3. I love how talented you are - such an imagination . :) Nice that you can work with your photos again .

  4. I am alright when computers do what they are meant to, but totally lost when they don't! Glad you had someone to help you out (my sons help me).
    Your art piece has turned out very pretty :)

  5. wonderful. Looks like a solar system to me. Starry starry night.

  6. Your artwork looks beautiful and I’m so pleased you’ve got the computer problem sorted.

  7. I get frazzled by computer problems too. When I get too frustrated I call my son and he comes over and fixes the problem. That is great your friend's hubby is helpful. Your artwork is pretty.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.