Monday, 18 November 2024

Inside again at The Old Rectory

Monday afternoon. It's still cold outside, but we were nice and warm in the Village Hall. Knitting and stitching, chattering and nattering, supping coffee and nibbling biscuits. When I got home I finished making some bunting which I started yesterday. I have spare tape and fabric so I want to use it up.
Here are some more photo's taken inside The Old Rectory. Oh how I would have loved to climb this spiral staircase. The painting was already leaning against the wall. I wonder if the owner is an artist. 

There is a glass roof up there. I bet the views are fantastic. 

I took three photo's of this glass ceiling. Didn't know which to show here. Might as well share all of them. Note the barbed wire to deter unwelcome visitors. 

There wasn't much furniture left. Beautiful tiled floor in this room. 

I watched UK Column News while eating my lunch. It's live on their web site, and Twitter, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1pm. Available soon after on their web site.
Now I am going to walk two dogs. Billy and Rocky. Not together, but separately. I'm not sure if they would get on together so I won't risk it. It will be dark in an hour. 
Hello to my new best friend, Monika who I met yesterday. Thanks for the comment. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. Some great photos of a fascinating building. I’m surprised determined urban explorers haven’t managed to get access previously but maybe the building was well secured.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.