Saturday, 16 November 2024

What next

 Good morning. It's Saturday and it's raining. Just popping in to let you know what is happening. I still have one or two trolls hanging about. Don't you feel sorry for them. They really must find a way to move on. 

I still have computer problems. I did get some help, but without going into too much detail, partially solving one problem gave me ten times more problems. I tried to put things right but failed at that. Then more help came, which sort of helped. Now I need to find someone else to sort out the niggly problems. 

I have four posts prepared in drafts which I will publish in the next few days, then I need an expert to come in and explain things in more detail. In the meantime I cannot reply to comments in this blog, or on other blogs. Thank you for your patience. 

Anyway, I won't bore you with my problems, They will be sorted, I will just have to be patient. This spanner in the works has brought it home to me that we should never be reliant upon technology to organise our lives. The complications that can be foist upon us when it fails, or is misunderstood, can have dire consequences. I personally want less technology in my life, but a lot of people are are happy to embrace more. Be prepared for internet outages, digital problems, poor signals, banking collapses, and an explosion of scammers who prey on easy targets. Life will never be as easy again as paying with cash and watching the tele. 

Have a good weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Re problems with technology - just came across this:

  2. So sorry you are having all the computer problems. You are correct about if things collapse or have problems. The hospital I happily retired from ( think of happy dancing 💃🏼 here lol), we had a cyberattack several years ago. Think about all the records and X-rays were on computers shut down!!!!!! We had to go back to the “old” ways of doing things and it worked out! It took months to get everything replaced and up a running again. Let’s just say the younger staff that learned to do everything on a computer struggled. The more experienced staff kept working seamlessly. It pays to know what you would do in case outages occur. Have a great weekend mother!!!!

  3. Ever since the upgrade happened on my 'puter, I've lost my identity on Blogger! I sign in, see my account and when I go to your blog, I've become anonymous!

    Not a troll, just a confused 65 yo.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.