Monday, 23 December 2024

A nice walk, but no sun.

Hardly any wind today. Quite a pleasant walk, it's a pity it was so overcast though. No sun at all. I shall keep on taking my vitamin D supplements. 
I scoured the woods as I walked along the track close by, looking for the odd deer or two. Oh, there's one. The white bum is the giveaway. It spotted me as I got the camera out of my pocket, very slowly. Please stay there, don't move. I set the zoom in motion. Gotcha. A second one came into view and I hoped I could get the two together on the same photo. Sadly they moved on and I lost them as they disappeared further up the bank. 
It's been a couple of weeks since I have been along here. This field is almost bare of it's crop now. Nineteen pallets of good quality turf, ready for loading on a 40 tonne truck. I would like to see how they scrape it all up with the machine, leaving the land so smooth and flat. And stacking it so neatly on the pallets. The soil is very sandy around here. Ideal conditions for turf growing. I wonder if a lorry will come and pick this up tomorrow, or if the job will have to wait until the end of the week. Years ago they used to have to rope and sheet this load. Nowadays they use a curtain sider. Drivers have got it dead easy now. 

Time to get a bite to eat. Now what shall I have. Check the fridge first to see what jumps out at me. Make it up as I go along. 

I hope all your Christmas plans are coming together and you will be ready for the big day. Please don't feel sorry for this pensioner spending Christmas Day alone, because that's how I like it. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hi ilona, great picture of the deer. And I really like the blog header picture, nice and sunny on that day. Our temperatures are getting down to teens and single digits overnight. Wishing you and the kitties a relaxing and warm Christmas!!! 🎄🎅🏻

    1. Hello Tammy. It really is point and shoot and hope for the best when photographing skittish wildlife. Lucky on this occasion.

  2. Merry Christmas Ilona! Best wishes in the New Year.
    Sincerely, Bun

    1. Merry Christmas to you Bun. Let's make it a happy New Year.

  3. Merry Christmas Ilona I know many of my friends spend Christmas day alone and they like it too.they say it's peacefully and they can please there self what they do with the day.i myself like to make a fuss of my cat Rodney I get a few cardboard box's out on Christmas day he spends ages jumping in and out of them I think a person has to be happy with there own company to a certain extent I certainly am I hate the crowds of Christmas shoppers and would rather just be peace fullxx

    1. Hello Jo. Cats can certainly be entertaining. Mine are getting on in years so are not as playful. A cuddle is all they ask of me. I'm going to make a quick trip to the Farm Shop this morning to pick up a few useful presents, just in case I get an invitation to the rellies in Nottingham.

  4. Your photo of Deberyshire at the top is gorgeous! Lynn, Pecos, NM USA

    1. Thank you Lynn. The Derbyshire Peak District is a beautiful place, and not far for me to travel for a visit. I must go more often. Have a good Christmas.

  5. What a beautiful creature that deer is. It is indeed a wonderful planet we live on. Happy Christmas Ilona. H

    1. Hello Helen. We should be celebrating the British countryside while we still have it. I can go to the park and see lots of deer, but to spot an animal in the wild is something special. I hope you have a lovely Christmas.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.